Friday, January 1, 2010

Energy Today & Dream Last Night About Those Harming My Son

I should add, at the beginning, before writing about my dream, that in no way is it meant to be anything other than a retelling of what I saw in a literal dream last night. It has nothing to do with my making something up to give a message or anything of the sort. Also, anything that I felt I learned from the dream, I do take with a grain of salt because I have no way to confirm whether what I dreamed had anything to do with reality or not. It's just how my dream was put together and I do know I've had concerns about my son and I. Do I know anything literally? no. And no one has ever said anything to me. When I say it's a "message", yes, I do believe in the potential of God bringing something out that I might not fully understand but others will know is right. I feel the purpose, has nothing to do with me, but with what God sees and cares about. I can hardly say "don't shoot the messenger" if the messenger, if there is a very real message, happens to be a higher power, that is above anyone and everyone on earth. But I decided to write this disclaimer because I don't need more threats about "you know something" when I don't, and if I don't, and it's simply that I'm retelling dreams which may or may not have impact for someone. I do believe the dream has some importance. And if someone ended up in jail, for any reason, I don't know who it would be and I can't even remember if it was a man, in my dream, that I had ever seen or not. I don't remember. Anyway, that's what I wanted to say in a disclaimer first, but I am not implying I know about something. It's that I do believe there may be a message, literally from God himself, for someone or some group, and it doesn't have anything to do with what I know because I have no way of confirming anything or not. I just wouldn't know at all, and sometimes my dreams mean nothing and other times they do mean something and I'm not able to confirm everything, one way or the other.

The energy feels pretty good today. I didn't sleep much last night but woke well rested. Then, as I've been writing, there's been a little bit of an ebb and flow. I didn't feel depressed on New Years at all. Very calm, even though I wasn't really doing anything.

The energy is so strange today. Very strong and positive and powerful and then sad sometimes too.

I had a dream last night, and it was sort of profound. People were getting paid, actually paid, to hurt my son. It wasn't a future dream, it was one which showed a list of people who had actually harmed my son. There were names, and I'm not going to write down the list, because since it's a dream, I cannot say for sure that these names are right. But I know for sure, God was showing me something. People were getting paid. Actually getting paid money, and to hurt my son. Or to make sure I was getting some kid of message, which I still don't have the meaning of.

Also, I saw in my dream, this very strange thing, something about people getting paid to severe employment.

I saw this payment for "severance pay" but it was like it was for cutting someone off of employment. I wasn't totally sure. But a payment for either losing work or a payment for kicking some out of employment, and the impression was that this could be done with many others. That others could be kicked out of work and someone would get paid to see to it and there were some willing to take money to do a favor like this. That all it took, to get some people fired, was the right amount of money, and it wasn't even very much.

It was all in the past, not in the future. It wasn't anything to do with the future at all. It was past things that happened.

People were intimidated and frightened for their lives and acted out of the threats and fear, because they were powerless and felt small things would be better than a greater harm.

I also saw someone go to jail. It was a man but I can't even remember who it was. It was someone who had been involved with harming my son in some way.

I then saw myself with my son and I was carrying him around, and trying to protect him and he was inbetween the covers of my laptop.

In the dream, $20 kept coming up. Over and over, $20. I kept seeing people being given a $20.

Every time my son was harmed, $20 was a message.

There was this impression that while "life is cheap" say some, in other countries, it doesn't take that much money to buy people or get them to do what you want over here either. It's the fear and intimidation factor.

I know, without a doubt, that while some of the dream may be symbolic, that I had this dream for a reason and also, that I am supposed to share what I was shown. Because THIS is MY MESSAGE to YOU, that

GOD sees.

NO ONE, not one person, in my family or outside of my family, has ever said a word to me about anything. Denials all the time, even if I question.

But I do know God sees and cares, and He cares about MY SON.

May the Will of God be done, to protect my son and justify his daughter.

I will also be praying for others who have never wanted to play any part and who are forced to go along, against their own will, because of fear. I pray for freedom.
I sort of wonder what else "severance pay" might have to do with someone. I looked it up and it's a payment for leaving a company, when one retires, voluntarily quits, or is laid off. I didn't feel it had to do with someone dying or a contract for killing or anything, it was different.
I feel a very strong and positive energy right now. 3:10 p.m. I feel like even though the employment had something to do with the area and my son, I think someone is going to have a major change in their future, and it feels like, I don't know. I think it will be good for this person though, whatever it is.

I feel this so strong right now and so happy but I don't even know what it's about, but there is something in store for someone and I think it will be a positive thing. Something good.

And I feel this is completely separate from my dream because my dream was specific about things. There is something else, which I feel I got when I looked up severance package, that someone somewhere is going to have a positive change in their life. Something about changing direction or quitting one job to move to something else. It seems like it will ultimately be beneficial for that person and I'm not saying it has anything to do with me either.
At any rate, very strong and positive energy right now and I have no idea why. Must be people praying. It's almost 4 p.m.

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