Friday, January 1, 2010

My Date With Di's Double

I cannot resist. I had this meeting, not really a date but just a meeting, with this guy who looked exactly like Diana. Yeah, Diana of Wales. And he wanted me to KISS him and I couldn't. I could NOT kiss "Diana".

First of all, I think I might possibly have a soulmate. Secondly, it was beyond eerie. Beyond eerie. I canNOT tell you, I wish I had a photo. This guy looked exactly like Diana when she's not wearing any make up. A ringer.

I mean, I could probably kiss Will, because they say he looks like his mother, but now I think he just looks like himself. Who I could NOT kiss was his mother.

This guy not only looked like Di, I mean, SO SO weird, I couldn't get over it, he...I don't know. I was freeaking out because there was this WEIRD deja vu where he made these faces and it was a bizarre deja vu. He would scwinch up his face in a smile and I couldn't figure out if I was looking at Charles Spencer, or I was looking at Di, or I was actally some kind of reincarnation afterall. I asked him if we already knew eachother from somewhere. But he's from Wenatchee, so it's really impossible, but from his teeth to his eyebrows, to his complexion, and even hair, he looks like a Spencer. He said, "Have you ever had a fantasy of kissing Di?" I said, "NO!" and I tried to think about it, and tried, tried, but no, I couldn't get past Di. He looked way more like Di than her sons or brother and sister. So it was really weird. But I really liked him. He had a lot of varied interests and things to talk about.

I had a lot of fun talking with him and I got a great massage out of it! He asked if I was going to write about him and I said probably not. I probably wouldn't have, but then he made a couple of comments indicating he wouldn't mind, because he brought up some things from my blog, which made it clear he'd read my blog. We could talk about a lot of things, but I said, "We're probably related." We compared forearms and toes and there was some similarity. I said, "Maybe it's just a German" thing." I want to say his toes were "magnificant" in a very crazy way. People have said MY toes are like fingers! And he had the athenian toe and I said yeah, I felt better about my toes after seeing it might be a sign of royalty, but then I realized half the people in Wenatchee have this kind of toe so it's probably just a German thing.

If he dressed in drag, he would be a spitting image.

He was a lot of fun to talk to, and I'd hang out more, but I am not getting involved with anyone until or unless I know I'm good friends with someone or in love. I really want to be in love. Sure, it's fine to hang out and get a backrub or whatever. Anyway, I know this guy isn't related to the Spencers, because he's from Wenatchee. He even dated someone from town here. But I was dancing and intoxicated, and I looked over and saw him and said, in shock, "Diana! That guy looks like DIANA!" So yeah, I had to meet Di's twin, but no I'm not some kind of sicko who wants to KISS Di! lol. It was ssoooo weird though. When he made this one face, it was like something from a past life. Very, very, weird and I don't know what it's about really, but that FACE. That expression! It made me laugh but it really hit on some kind of deja vu thing.

He was a lot of fun to hang out with, time flew, but still, so very weird. I felt like I was in the middle of big cosmic joke.

One thing I liked, was that he did care about my interest in Di, it seemed, in a genuine way. I don't know why he would care at all.

Oh and then it was horrible because there was this set up kind of prank or something. We were walking along and all of a sudden, it sounded like a dog was hit. A bang and then it sounded like a dog yelping. He wanted to go the other way but I had to check on the dog. I never even saw one, but it sounded like it was happening right in front of us. So I looked all around but couldn't find it

(oh, I love this song...Bryan Adams "Summer of '69. I like Bryan Adams. Hearing him makes me think of 5th grade)

So there was a car parked there and it said "faith hope and love" on it and this guy pointed this out. It felt like it hadn't really ahppened though. Somehow, like it was a soundtrack that was played because I looked all over for that dog and couldn't hear it or see it.

So we went back and talked more and then he had his cell out and I said, "You're not taking photos are you?" because we we were lying next to eachother but I never did anything with him other than let him give me a backrub and I thought if he took a photo of my feet next to his it would look like something else. He had even crossed a leg over mine, which I thought was innocent enough, but still, I thought it might look like something else and I like my celibacy record right now. I am slightly paranoid in that regard because I've had some things get out or rumors started and things that I don't care for. But he said no, that he was checking his texts. He said he wouldn't take any photos without my permission. Hmm, but if I'm paranoid about anything it all, it might be that. That someone might sneak photos, which has been done to me in the past, and then make something of it or try to make something of it.

He said no, so I believed him. I also asked him if he had his phone turned on while we were walking because I have things leaked out to everyone and I didn't want anything on. He asked if I wanted him to take the battery out and I said yes.

In this way, alone, I think, I'm slightly paranoid. I asked him if he was wearing wires but I was joking and he laughed. I do get slightly paranoid about this kind of thing--just being monitored. I think that is my only paranoia but it's a rational kind too, because I do find a lot of my conversations somehow get repeated or leaked to others. Why anyone cares about me, or what I have to say, I don't know. I don't know how it's done, if not through close proximity or something. I am not sure. I just don't want to be a pawn in some kind of contest. And whoever my soulmate is, I don't want him to be let down by me or by misinformation...if I have one. If it's not that, it's for some who really care about me and don't want me to be used or whatever. And of course, for my own son! Who should have every good reason to respect his mom.

I guess I got worried for a split second because I'd just said I wasn't messing around with anyone and then said I was waiting for the right time, and then this guy pops up out of nowhere, and thinking he might have better odds because (haha...he looks like Di). :) I would have kissed him, sure. No harm in that, if I had been able to get past the Di thing. It was just too weird. He didn't even look like half of Di, but like Di in the flesh with a broader, flatter chest. I want to know who I can trust, and I can hang out with someone for a little while and have fun, but trust takes time to develop.

Anyway, he said "fox news" twice or something and then all of sudden, some time later, I saw this cream colored fox or dog scene, in the snow. It was very strange! But I wonder if that was influenced by my hearing him say "fox" but I never think of foxes being cream colored and then I think I don't know if they were really foxes at all, just some kind of cream colored dog.


  1. You sound as though you are living a life of synchroncity. Something I am well familiar with. There are many books on the subject. Try to find the small book called When God Winks In Love by Rushnell. Might explain your soulmate theories.

  2. Wallice,

    But I think the Bible says those who wink are wicked.

    Beware the winking eye it says. ;)
    wink, wink


  3. hahaa, just kidding. I'll look it up.

  4. Ah, yes......but only if they wink maliciously

  5. This means we must be sure it's a
    ;) and not a >;). Mine is a <;) party hat.

  6. Don't forget.........we don't want a
    <:( or a <;( or a >:-) either!

  7. Let's clarify.

    No party poopers, winking party poopers, or mean-happy people?

  8. Exactly! Those kinds of people can stay home on New Year's Day. Even when life get's us down, there is much to celebrate and be grateful for, right?

  9. Well Wallice,

    This isn't Facebook unfortunately, so I'll have to email you.

    Thanks for the good wishes. What made you decide on "Wallice" instead of "Wallis"? And who, may I ask, put you up to it?

