Friday, January 1, 2010

The World

I don't understand it. I either don't understand Wenatchee, or it's also the East Coast too, or maybe the entire world. I feel like I woke up one day and nothing was as it seems anymore.

All those poems I wrote, unknowing. Still not knowing, a part of the veil was torn and do I like where I find myself?

I don't believe I like ambiguity, the ambiguity I find in the world I find myself in.

I am a team player, but I have never liked taking sides, unless it's the side of the poor and vulnerable, or even rich and vulnerable, whoever they may be. I always played the independent sports...finding my pace easiest when I am concerned only with my own pace and not shouldering the weight of a whole team on my playing abilities.

I like cross country, and skiing, and wind surfing, and running (with music) and all of these things which I know how to do with or without a partner. I like feeling free. Bound only by my own conscious and the things I can see before me.

I'm not paranoid by any means, not at all. I really don't feel that anyone who wants to say I am, is a very good friend. I need people in my life who are straightforward and not trying to play a game. But then again, maybe those who say I'm paranoid want to protect me and this is the best way, they think.

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