Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Gang Activity With State Workers & Corruption

This is what is keeping me from getting my son--widespread corruption of people working in state and other offices. Because my aunt and uncle align with one group, they are allowed to keep my son. Because I refuse to align myself to one side or the other, my son is purposefully kept from me, all reasonable evidence is blocked from getting the truth out, and my son is harmed and I am intimidated.

My father says it's better for my son to be with the Avilas right now, because I am not connected with one of the Wenatchee groups and don't go along. This isn't what he says, it's simply what the truth is. That, and he and my mother never thought I should have a child as a single mother anyway, and felt it detracted from my "ability to get or be married" and felt a child should have "both a mother and father."

At some point, I could see my Mom and Dad believe I should have my son, and they've written a statement to this effect, but they also know the reason I can't get employment in this area is because of a refusal to hire me when I don't go along with the gang system here.

No one will allow me to be independent and autonomous and then they claim I can't support my son, when the only reason I can't, is because state persons are intentionally holding up my unemployment monies on one hand, and then keeping me out of work on the other hand.

This is why the truth is blocked and banned, and anyone who tries to help me is threatened or intimidated or harmed themselves.

Because my aunt and uncle will go along with this, they are given assurances that they can have my son.

Even if I had gone along with some group, I might not have had a very good chance, because of all the lying and the power behind this. But I have had pressure to align with someone, anyone almost, and these people telling me to do this, almost all of them are "religious". Do they really know God? I don't feel they do, because if they did, they would know what they've done is wrong and they would make it right. If they really knew God, they would have more strength to just obey the law and follow what is right and true, and not what others tell them to do.

If enough people did what I do and what I try to demonstrate, by refusing to go along, if enough people did this, there would be a revolution.

How is it possible for the common everyday person to even try to live an independent and ordinary life when so many who hold powerful positions above them, force them by coercion, intimidation, and harm or isolation, to go along with this? And when the families here are 3 generations along and have gone along with this and maybe been brought up in this culture for so long, it would be difficult for some to go against it. It's probably become even a kind of fabric of their lives, or feels comfortable in some way. It might not even seem wrong, and some may not even question it. But then you grow up, and try as one might, I believe everyone will have various opportunities to check in with the moral compass and start thinking about what is in everyone's best interest, and that thing which everyone wants, is equality and liberty. Trying to force people into a certain culture and even punishing those who don't, by even illegal means, or by abusing authority one has received from a government position, is morally wrong and a disservice to God.

What surprises me about this town, in particular, is how many people really go to church, and yet not very many have found something real enough in their faith to believe they can do something different, or that it is right to question the current system.

This system, while seeming to be one of "community" actually works against community because those who profit the most from a system of slaves, are the rich or the not-very-rich and yet those who are ruthless or who want to be the social climbers.

It really doesn't even matter "which" group it is, when any group at all becomes a dictatorship or harms others to force them to do what people want, this is demonstrating a total breakdown of the principles of freedom. It is one thing to encourage eachother and to support one another socially and to even use a little bit of peer pressure, and then it is something altogether different when one is being told how to live their lives or told they are subject not to the will of God but the will of some group or group leader. Groups form to protect those who are innocent, hopefully, but still, when it becomes a choice between going along or isolation, it is really wrong to force anyone to choose to do anything other than what their heart desires and what they feel the calling of God is, for their own life. No one can tell someone what that other person's calling is, God will speak to each person directly, if they ask for the truth or the wisdom, and then it is a balance for others to try to then respect this calling and to realize it might be different from what others expect.

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