Tuesday, January 19, 2010

How God Speaks His Will Through My Son (And How Some Christians Try To Negate His Will)

I have these different religious persons (maybe or maybe not) telling me it's "God's plan" or the will of God what has happened with my son, when it's not. My son was removed from me by "default" win from the state, when I had no public defender and was told this last minute and then hung up on. After this, it's only been attempts to stall on even giving me or allowing "services" I don't even need, and just stalling the clock and then trying to claim my son isn't bonded to me, when everyone knows he is.

I wrote about what I wrote about with the royal family yesterday (not that they're responsible, but they certaintly indicate knowing about me and my son) because I feel like, out of all the people with power and money whom I've met, who is helping my son? Who is helping us just because it's the right thing to do? plenty of people had their own personal interests and ideas for my life, but who is respectful of my rights, which are supposed to be guaranteed to me, simply because I am a citizen of the United States? WHich is why I posted the "I Have A Dream" speech, because I am a white woman who, for political reasons , or maybe religious too I guess, has been shortchanged of what she is promised by the bill of rights. I come to my country and to those in power, and those running the legal system and working state office positions, and I come with my uncashed check.

I have plead, publicly, with my blog, for the U.S. and those who work for the U.S., to honor the promise I am made, which every citizen is made. And if it's forgotten, then it bears giving a reminder, that I have been issued what seems to me to be a

"bad check".

I shouldn't have to do anything for anyone, in order to have this check honored, or be given the same check that it issued to all Americans. I shouldn't have to beg and bargain and try to find alternate ways to have my and my son's rights respected when we were already made a promise upon the day of our births.

I also have no interest in anyone trying to change my mind or pacify me about "trials in this life" being "rewarded in heaven." I don't go for that. God is a God of justice, here and today. Let the dead bury the dead. I am not going to have people sit by as this happens with my son, and then nod my head and say, "Oh yes, for the glory of Jesus." No, this is NOT God's "will" anymore than it was his "will" that white people owned slaves. You can find a scripture or passage to fit almost any situation you want it to fit. I don't suscribe to the martyr version. I act according to my conscience but I also expect certain things to be done, which by law, natural law and civil law, are mine to expect.

Having someone tell me "there is something bigger, a greater plan for you" is a huge joke. I am sure there are plenty of women in the world who would rather do something that seems "greater" than raising their own children. Not me. I believe I can do great things and even still have an amazing career, down the road, and yet still feel my primary calling, from God, is to raise my son.

I know what the will of God is, and I know what God has told me my calling is. It is to raise my son.

The question is, are others willing to listen to the will of God?

It's very strange to have so many people trying to tell ME, that God's plan is "different" and that I should accept it, and "Have you given it to God? Have you really surrendured?"

How does that work? If one knows precisely what their "calling" is, and yet others are trying to tell you to "give it up". That wouldn't be surrenduring to God, it would be surrenduring to the will of others, who are so arrogant as to believe they know better than both God and the mother and child God has been trying to speak through.

God speaks His will through my son when my son expresses how much he loves his mother and wants to have visits increased. A state worker negates the will of God, as well as my son's desires, when she lies about the bond or refuses to record the truth. She effectively takes what is the expressed "will of God" and tries to twist it to suit the "will of adults" who are not interested in listening to what message God is sending.

When my son expresses a desire to speak to his mother over the phone, he is speaking his own wishes, and also echoing the will of God in the sense that God's will is that a mother and a child are together, unless there is good reason not to be. God has never given any indication that my son shouldn't be with his mother. What my son expresses, which some "Christian" adults have tried to negate, is the natural bond between mother and child, which was formed in our hearts and is according to the very calling and original purpose of God.

It is not the natural "will of God" that every child has both a "mother and father". Otherwise, those whose spouses died, has God ever commanded that the solo spouse give their children over to other families or relatives to raise instead? If it was "God's will" that all children had both a mother and father, how do you explain that to children whose mothers and fathers fight all the time and are visibly abusive with one another? There is no formation of a family, or constitution of family, which is better. What IS the will of God, is that one does the best with what their circumstances are.

When God speaks His Will, it might be confirmed by more than one person. In the case of me and my son, why is it then, that so many even "church-going" people, have tried to keep my son and I apart, not according to the actual will of God, but according to their own ideas and their own preferences?

By doing so, many many people have demonstrated not only an unwillingness to follow the law and be upfront and honest, they have willingly gone against and fought and struggled against the very will of God.

Why is it I am told to "surrendure this to God" when I am the rightful mother, with a child who wants to be with his mother and prefers her to his foster providers? Could it be that those who might need to really surrendure their own plans and desires, to the "truth" (which IS the will of God, when God Himself is named "Truth"), are those who have tried so hard to change the natural course of my son's feelings and desires?

People told plenty of black slaves to "submit to your master" and to be humble and a good servant, because it would please the Lord and it was "right" to obey ones "master" and perhaps those over them would become Christians or believers. This religious passage was used to justify slavery in the United States and to beat other humans and strip them of their rights and privileges.

It is no different, when people try to tell me and my son that our suffering is "the will of God" and that we should be thankful for it. No, it's not the will of God. What has happened with me and my son has been an outrageous demonstration of many acting AGAINST, and fighting, the will of God.

I was thinking I might add to this, and at some point I might, but I need a Bible, because i would like to support what I'm writing with scriptural references if anyone cared. I also need to edit this.

Update: I tried to borrow a Bible from someone next door but she didn't have an extra one so I'll just pick one up tomorrow.

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