Saturday, January 23, 2010

Images & Idea For Hostage Negotiation W/Somalia

I will keep this post going today as I try to get different things. Images, I mean. The first song that popped into my mind this morning was "Atomic" by Blondie:

I tried to get more about the Chandler hostage situation and I got even less than last time. At first, yesterday I saw something about a hatch or hutch but didn't get that today and I at first thought they had to be in Somalia and that it was dark there. Both yesterday and today, for some reason, the word "Bahamas" came to mind and yet it probably doesn't have anything to do with anything. The Bahamas are way out there, I looked it up on a map and why would they go that far? Maybe Bahamas has some other important meaning for the Chandlers or is code for something, I don't know.

I also thought of basement today, but I didn't get any images of anything at all. And I wondered if basement just came to mind because it was imagination. I feel it's all over the place today but I might try again.

I would never ever rely on some kind of psi to find people if there is other technology available to help find people.

It also just briefly crossed my mind--I wondered if Somalian pirates are ever used as a front for others who are trying to get the money and then will pay the pirates off either way. That's not a psychic guess, just an intellectual question.

I wondered if a negotiation could be made, which would be satisfactory, to allow some children and women to have a place of refuge in exchange for the Chandlers. I was thinking with all of that toxic waste around, the nuclear waste, if it hasn't been cleaned up by anyone, it's dangerous and possibly some anger is over refugee situations. If people are sick and bleeding from the mouth and developing sores and illness from nuclear waste, it would be a humanitarian aid to allow some of these people out of there. It looks like Sweden is helping but maybe a few other countries could use this for negotiation, even though it was not a country's choice to dump waste but the choice of private companies.

Maybe these different countries should agree to INVESTIGATE & PROSECUTE some of these private companies and to uncover who is behind the shell corporations, in exchange for the Chandlers.

Yesterday I did get one other thing that didn't make sense to me, but after reading some articles, maybe it does a little bit: something about "They want a name."

I thought "a name?" why would Somalia want a name? But maybe they would try to prosecute themselves or go to the UN or something, but they're trying to get the name of someone or a company that did something which has affected their country and their people.

Instead of allowing the pirating to proliferate and turn into a bigger problem and allowing people to suffer on both sides, maybe those who initially did damage, should be gone after and resources put into finding out who those individuals are.

If everyone can help Haiti after a natural disaster, why not do the right thing about Somalia where they are suffering from nuclear waste fall out and at least try to negotiate.

If they say the money is going to clean up, no one knows that. They could be given, both sides, could work out some kind of signed contract and arrangement to do some kind of clean up or give out some names which they could then take to people for prosecution. Those companies that did this illegal and immoral act should be the ones paying for the clean up and probably a few people in government somewhere know who they are.

It doesn't have to be a large mass media operation, but something good could come out of something bad.
On another note, I played "Tide Is High" by Blondie after "Atomic". I love this song: Oh! done by The Paputs. I don't know if this next one is Blondie or not?! Well, it's Blondie, but I don't know if it's the original video.

Anyway, I guess I realized today that aside from trying to get my son, I have now realized, since last night I guess, and then taking it in and understanding more this morning, that I have a large audience.

With this audience, I am able to, whether in infamy or because of admiration, I'm able to draw attention to things so I can pick and choose what I want to write about and put focus on that.

Like the hostage situation in Somalia. I didn't know a thing about any of it until I looked at just these two people. Now, I know some of the politics behind it, and environmental issues.

I'm not interested in politics per se, but in humanitarian issues that affect everyone and I don't feel it's right for any group to be bullied or persecuted. I know exactly what it's like to be persecuted and I've also had people try to tempt me to abandon my principles for higher gain and even told I could be a "billionaire". If that happens on it's own or because of my own merit, that's great, but I would rather try to do what I feel is right and be an example in that regard. I think some have really feared what would happen if I were given any opportunity in a more high powered position, but I feel I can have as much influence, clearly, simply being a blogger, than having any other formal role.

I need to organize my posts better though. WHo kows, maybe they're interesting because they're like a box-o-choclits: ya never know what yor gonna git.

I like this one, which I just found, and is the original Tide is High, by The Paragons. I do like Blondies version more, but here's credit to the real McCoy:
Here is a good informative clip about the issues around piracy and dumping nuclear waste and he does talk about how some of the piracy now is greed, but he goes over all the issues: It's some guy called Ka'naan or something, a rapper from Somalia, and there's a youtube video clip about it on that first page.

Well, then I read more from other perspectives too, from wikipedia, which suggests money IS going beyond the Somali pirates now. It sounds like all these countries were helping Somalia during a crisis, even helping them with their fishing. A lot of countries in fact. When something, I guess their government collapsed, and no one spoke for them, companies from these same coutnries which gave assistance initially, went in and started dumping waste and fishing all their fish (who would want the fish farmed out of waste? uggh. I'd hate to know who ended up eating those fish! Ironically, if it was European fishing boats, those same groups who may have been dumping nuclear waste and poisoning Somalis, may have been then taking tainted and radiation affected fish and seafood back to Europe and other countries where those citizens then unwittingly ate the product.) So then, to protect their people, Somalis set up their own coast guard force. In the beginning, a legitimate effort to combat illegal fishing and dumping in their waters. But then, it sounds like some got very greedy, even holding up donated food items. Some have become very rich while the rest of the country still suffers and they do not use the money for "clean up". Some of that money is probably being dispersed to others outside of the country as well. So it sounds like a real mess. If the Somalis are serious about wanting to clean up, with the Chandlers, I would think they would be open to the idea of someone giving them a name or leverage to actually prosecute those corporations who were dumping and fishing and not just affecting the lives of Somali citizens with radioactive waste, but passing on fish products which were tainted to European, maybe American, and other country's citizens as well.

And it sounds like the UN should be attacking the piracy problem but also addressing the issues which were brought to them long ago and dismissed, about sickness from radioactive waste. Probably, some kind of care should be given to those people, or refuge, and the people who should pay for it should be the private groups which did the illegal dumping and fishing. It might not be the act of a country at all, but I'm sure someone somewhere has a few ideas of who has been doing this and maybe the Somalis would appreciate being able to try to get compensation for this, which would then also alleviate any hostility torwards private citizens of other countrys and also make it very legitimate, if they continued to pirate after getting more help, they should be accountable for this. They should at least be given means for actually trying to get assistance, but the test is, if offered this kind of help and they turn it down for more money, to go to other hands and out of greed, then their motivation isn't to help the people of their own country but to line their pockets and the pockets of possibly others who are shielded just as some of these dumping companies have been shielded.

Talk about masks and a vicious cycle. What a weird, bizarre, triangle.

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