Saturday, January 23, 2010

Walk & Coyote or Wolf & Military/Gang Prob

I just had a very interesting walk with the dog.

I planned on finding any deer, but just taking a walk where it was not muddy. It is beautiful outside today. So I went a different direction and then I began to "sense" there were deer around, somewhere. I didn't know where. I could sense it though and I led and the dog sort of led, and then it was me, actually, that led the dog over this one hill, and it wasn't a deer. It was a very large fox/wolf/coyote.

I need to look at some photos to figure out what it was but it was big and I felt really bad for it because it was all alone. I could not believe how well it blended into the scenery. Somehow, I know it was male. I feel it was. It had the colors of tan, cream, and a little bit of brown or a tiny bit of black too. Mainly tan and cream. When it stood still, you couldn't even tell it apart from the scenery, and I'm near-sighted too, but its coloring was a very good cover.

The dog, Misty, the lab, well, she looked happy and took off after the dog and I told her to be careful. But then I saw the fox/wolf/coyote walk off, and slowly, down this lonely trail, all by itself. I thought, wow. This is its habitat and for how many years and its all alone and probably been hunted for years. I wasn't afraid of it at all. I felt very good energy with it and it was peaceful.

I realized too, how much I like to find things. I don't want to kill things, just find them and admire. I would hunt to have my own food though, no problem but I never want to clean something out. Ever.

So the "thing" took off and we went down and then I decided to "respect" the dog and let her find something, or lead in direction and she did. I don't know what it was but it was disgusting. I am really hoping someone planted some little leftover steaks into the ground, but I was afraid, after she dug it up, that she was eating a family of something else that was half decayed. But I didn't see any hair at all. It looked like meat, the sagebrush?

I gave her cooked up chicken, some of the chicken I made for myself, last night and she liked it, but whatever this was that she ate, she liked even more. She was SO happy and then I thought, "Should I be letting her eat this?" and I told her she wasn't licking me for a very long time.

When I've said something to her about "deer", she knows the word deer. Because when I say this word, she starts sniffing the ground. And then when I say, "Okay lets go get em!" she sniffs and she actively looks for a trail, a scent trail to follow.

I let her run around and play but sometimes today, I took short cuts and directed.

She found whatever it was stashed under the sagebrush herself and I followed her to it.

Then, we were going back, but I sensed something again. I'd already been over that general hill and only saw the "thing" but I sensed deer still. I also thought possibly I'd see that dog again. So I took her up over the mountain, and there was that "thing" trotting, running torwards me, and then it saw me and turned around and Misty saw something and then 3 deer came up out of the brush and took off. I think one was a stag but didn't get a good enough look. But it was the opposite side of where we usually go. They were only a few feet away and the most odd thing was that the "thing" and I were walking directly torwards eachother, and yet unknowing we were walking on the same path. We didn't know until I was at the top of the hill and there was the other dog coming torwards me. It looked like the same one, and if it was, it had traversed a large section of land to go a completely opposite direction and then we ended up face to face again.

The other thing that happened, which is now going to help me figure out what the problem is with some of military or gang use of military-newer technology, is that about the time a private plane was flying overhead, when I was at the top of that hill, either someone from that plane or someone from the valley, used something which I now realize has the capacity to go long-range. It wasn't obviously a gun, but instantly my stomach began to throb, my stomach and back were just throbbing, like I'd been hit by something that affected my insides. I had the feeling it came from the plane because otherwise someone could have tried this at any point, and it's possible it came from something else, but it was a little white private plane that flew above and one way or the other, being so far away from everything I now know that was has been used on me at close-range, is possible to be used at a great distance. After about 15 minutes the pain and throbbing quit.

As for other animals we saw, or other items, when I was at the top of this hill, at the time that I felt this pain, the dog also found bones. I felt a little bit strange about it, wondering if they were animal bones or not. One was a knee and a femur type of bone. We found them after she dug something up that was under the sagebrush, but it was up higher, many feet more and first she pulled up some kind of femur bone or maybe arm bone, flatter, and then one with a joint, like a knob on it like drumsticks have. But it was larger than any grocery animal so it was either deer or something else. Hopefully just a deer.

After this, we walked down and a large grouse or pheasant or quail soared by in front of me.

I guess I should add, I don't know at all that it was the plane because when I felt the pain, the plane had already passed overhead and it wasn't directly above me. It was the same distance away from me that any number of houses which were within my eyesight were. So it was very easily any. I actually think I looked at the plane and it was passing overhead and then I felt the pain with the throbbing. Because I was standing still, not moving, and looking at the dog and deer, anyone with decent aim would have had the same chance at a shot.

It could have been someone from the valley as easily as from the low flying plane. What I do know, is that I've had this happen in close proximity to people and now, this is the first time I've been able to see it can be done from a great distance and with substantial power, so it helps narrow down what it being used and what the capabilities are.

It is different from this other pain where it is a burning sensation. This isn't a burning sensation it's mainly a painful aching in the back and stomach and very noticeable throbbing that accompanies it.

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