Wednesday, January 20, 2010

It Was Rainin' Men Amen (good and bad)

On a totally different subject, I saw 2 blond men today who were very good looking and I don't typically notice blonds. But one sat to the left of me and was very goodlooking and the other sat at an internet station and wasn't bad. An older man, too, came into the library and he was older, but something about him...actually, it was very strange, but there were some very good older men in the periphery today.

Some of them, you could somehow intuit intelligence as well as their being fit. Older even, there were some very smart men around today and most of them said not one word to me and yet I could tell, from their eyes, how smart they were. Top caliber smart.

A goodlooking guy with dark hair who passed on the sidewalk as well. I don't know, all nice to look at.

But can they bake a cherry pie?

Sorry, i've had that "Can She Bake A Cherry Pie, Billy Boy, Billy Boy" in my head non-stop for the last few days.

I wouldn't mind even meeting very ugly men, who just have really good hearts and a lot of integrity. I like integrity in a man.

If they be ugly, bring on the ugly! I think I could even fall in love with ugly, as long as it's just not bad teeth or missing teeth variety, and really, if I had the money and could fix him up and he had everything else going for him, I would. I'd give him a new set of choppers, sure.

I typically like taller and fit, or shorter but fit, but well, i guess there always has to be some kind of chemistry. I mean, there have been some very good men i've known that there's not a click with. but it's not just looks, it's more than that. some of the best looking men are completely unappealing if there's nothing in common or something important is lacking.

the energy today felt okay in general. Very strong sometimes, and then off at times too. Very up and down, like forces of good and evil came into contact. In general, it seemed okay. I have to write about my son's visit. Still have to go back and write about that one week too.

Then too, well, there were these women who were just "off" today. It's one thing to be genuinely spiritual and sweet and sincere or even a total bitch but when it comes to getting deep, there is something there that they do not and will not mock. But these women today did this little praying thing in front of me and put on this whole thing of spirituality that didn't feel sincere from where I was sitting. It really bothers me to see this. I'd rather hang out with straight up atheists who are honest about what they think, sometimes. Well, if they're honest and not also playing games. Then, I was busy writing in my blog and tuned them out after about 10 minutes or less, and they wanted to know if i'd been listening and I said no, and honestly I had not. But they positioned themselves to be within my hearing. Another time, a couple of women, very young women, went around the corner as I came into the cafe i usually go to after my visits, and they just went on and on about CIA this and conspiracy that, but it wasn't normal, like professional or even sincere, it was more like, they were getting off on the idea that if they went on and on about all this stuff, maybe I'd approach to chat.

I wouldn't sit around and chat about conspiracy theories over, I don't know, catnip.

Angelina Jolie is someone I think I could chat with. Do I expect this? of course not, as long as I'm a blogger, but she and I have a few things in common at least. Maybe I'm not quite that adventurous or beautiful, but I like what she tries to do and I feel it is sincere. And she's been really trashed too, over being different, until she picked up charity stuff, but still I don't think it was just strategy--I think it got to her.

I just saw on the news that some guy's family was murdered, that lives in the U.S. He is in Iraq and found out his family was killed. I don't know who because the t.v. cut out. I mean, the coverage did.

I can only find something about 8 people being killed near Richmond, VA, and first discovered on Route 703. I don't think this is for a guy who is in the military but not sure. I do know that the last name "Sipes" sounds really familiar but I don't know how.

On t.v. tonight, PBS, it's about the human brain. I don't feel like watching any of the other shows maybe, I don't know. But the brain one looks good.


  1. the murder happened in 2006, i believe, and the trial started today. he was in iraq at the time the murders happened.

  2. Hi, I looked it up that day and saw it was from the past and wanted to clarify, but I forgot to. So thank you. Terrible what happened.

    Thanks again!

