Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Other Concerns About Son's Health

Aside from the very odd odor coming from my son's mouth, the other thing I noticed was that he was very sensitive around his stomach and back. It hurt him, to be picked up around his waist and then he'd almost cry.

He was also upset and afraid to have his hands washed and this has never happened, not once, ever. It has never happened with Sue around at least. Today he freaked out about having his hands washed and also when I said something about how he had a "lot of energy" he freaked out again, like someone has used this word in a negative way, in connection with something that bothers him.

I think, yes, my son has no marks on his physical body, but there were possibly other things going on with him which is why I kept waking up or sensing something abuot my son and worrying about him. I know what happened to both him and me and then what happened to me again and I wouldn't know about him if my family isn't persceptive or refuses to say anything.

However, I thought it was odd how the blood thing was handled today, at the Red Cross. I also know I had other odd things happen while I was trying to get medical care. One time, on the East Coast, my blood was being drawn and I knew this woman sitting next to me, knew something was going on. She sat next to me in solidarity. it was something I cannot explain. But she knew. She was a professional woman who knew something was going on that would affect my blood and any analysis.

Then I think too, how my blood draws sometimes have been with blood that is super bright red and bubbly and other times the blood is extremely slow and dark dark, like it's not even coming from the same person. this has happened after something has occured which I've been able to feel physically. My blood was literally bubbling when i had it drawn in Seattle when someone was basically trying to kill me, or as someone else said, "send you a message". for what? the message didn't go very far when I don't even know what it was about and others wouldn't tell me and knew I didn't know.

I was just reading you can get false lows on hemoglobin depending on how the blood is taken. For hemocrit, if you milk the blood, it gives a false low. I don't know if this is the case for hemoglobin. I know the blood came out readily when I was pricked, but it was milked several times but i don't know if this really makes a difference or not.

I think I'll just try to give blood as much as i can from now on, whatever they will allow, I'm donating.

I'm partly donating to help others, and also to see what will be done with my blood.

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