Saturday, January 30, 2010

Calling For A Draft Of All Men & Women

I guess I'm concerned.

I joke about "green" when it's one of my favorite colors, but I joke about it after seeing green lights everywhere, and all hell breaks loose. There was no bad association with green and the image I saw and I don't believe it had anything to do with a person. It looked more like some part of machinery of a kind. I also met someone that same day who was very nice, and wearing green, and what's the big deal? So all the green lights were out tonight, not on the hill except for a couple, and it was just devils all over town. I write just a few things off the cuff, kidding or not, about green, and something goes down in town and that is how messed up this town is. That, I guess after I joke a little about the visitation monitors with my son.

I am really getting so frustrated with everything. I am probably going to move when possible to live next to an old friend so I have protection and witness for the mayhem.

There were SO many BAD people out and about tonight. I walked out and in my short walk, it was a total zoo, and a lot of the bad energy was coming from people in nicer vehicles. Newer trucks, subaru station wagons, and SUVs. A few beaters too, but I only saw, out of all of them, maybe 10% looking normal or concerned or appearing to have their wits about them. The rest were off the charts mad-laughing like madmen and women, and I swear to God, some of the horrible expressions I've seen on older women's faces really frightens me. I mean, very devious, smirking, cat-caught-the-canary looks and really, sort of evil.

I felt really sorry for Wenatchee tonight. I mean, sorry for humanity in general it was such a spectacle.

I thought, I need to get ahold of my old friends and ask them, really, if they know what's going on at all.

I feel very, very, worried for the people who are out there tonight and for this town and actually, this country. I was thinking tonight, which is the most horrible thought to enter my mind in such a long time, "Just send the brats off to war" or "Maybe the U.S. needs to be invaded". That is the first time I have ever had such a thought. I started thinking "Ninevah" again and then I just thought, "Dear God, this is out of control" and I thought, if there is this much time on hands to cause problems within the U.S.A., they should take their fights and business and wars somewhere else. If they want to fight, and go after little kids and mothers, these yuppie brats pulling strings need to go off to a real war. I was thinking about a serious draft tonight. "How do we get RID of them?" was my first thought? and get these so-called men who are the bullies, to shape up, if it's even possible?

It's like they need a serious draft and need to witness firsthand, what a real war is about and looks like. Stop screwing up the country from the inside assholes.

Then I thought, no, a few of these guys come back from a real war and then they're worse than ever.

So then I thought, maybe all these people, women included, including the smirking housemakers and career women, maybe they all need to be drafted out for a different kind of service, like "community service" to the world, for at least 2 years. Stick them out in a 3rd world country to serve others and see what real poverty and hardship is and have them live it, and then see if they can manage to be better people and have a different set or order of priorities about what is FUCKING important in life.

If these people have time, the rich ones, to rub their hands together and try to make money off of mischief, and if the rest of the others, are willing to waste their time playing mind games and driving all over the place, this is energy and time which should be spent ABROAD. Obviously, these people are so spoiled they don't even know how to be productive in the U.S.

They whine and gripe about "the economy" and then spend their time devising mind games, as just really pathetic and corrupt as it gets, to keep other people down and amuse themselves, and let the country go to SHIT. And then these bottom-rung people who work in state offices in this town, for example, whine and complain about budget cuts when they don't even know how to manage the talents and money they have. Meanwhile, they find plenty of time to get together and come up with creative new ways to be assholes.

If these people are going to deprive others of real justice and can't even manage to do the basics for equality and freedom, I almost wonder if it's time for this country to be really hit with a real war. Suddenly, some of these assholes wasting all their time abusing their authority and money and abusing the constitution and bill of rights, might have something to legitimately be concerned about.

It's like that saying about the first generation makes the money, the second generation invests it and the third generation spends it. This generation is so far removed from what the country was founded on to begin with, it's like people are sitting around eating cake and getting into internal fights on the side, trying to get ahead through corruption and other alliances, and all of the laws and morals, have been completely forgotten.

This is predominantly a generation of weak willed, lazy, corrupt, and arrogant individuals.

All of the hard work, and sacrifices, and blood shed, just to even HAVE a country with some semblance of equality and lawfulness, and respect for rights, freedom, and conscience, is forgotten.

If our founding fathers could take one look at the way people are presenting in this country and the way they choose to spend their time, they'd probably tell them it's time to go back to the farm. While U.S. citizens are busy running these kinds of big games over petty things, there are millions and billions of people in other countries, watching at what's going on and just waiting for the structure to weaken a little more, and as the U.S. is distracted with class-conscious idiocy, they are looking for their "in". If they haven't already found it, being able to blend in as long as they appear to be going along with the group gang-think.

I look at some of the smug faces in cars driving by tonight, and just thought, "They have absolutely no idea." They have NO clue, what kinds of things other people want to do to THEM and to this country, just to get in and take advantage of some things that others are fully squandering away.

But no! instead of mitigating against untold disaster, which all the intelligence agencies say is a very real and present danger, by either serving outside of the country to be a more well-rounded and sympathetic person with better priorities, and instead of serving the country outside by even a peace-keeping officer, all these bored, spoiled, malcontents that are U.S. citizens are stirring up trouble with their own brothers and sisters, and mocking them and depriving their own countrymen of justice. We were all given the same "bowl of soup" and yet we have these people who are not satisfied with their share and have to take what is given to someone else as well.

Wenatchee is just an example of what others in different parts of the country are doing as well. Starting wars and inviting corruption into the country, to benefit themselves short-term and amuse themselves as they think no one on the outside is looking in and just looking for that right opportunity to take everything they have and more. But no, apparently, some Americans are so secure with their own safety, this doesn't even cross their mind.

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

But you're not. You're delighted with the petty games and don't mind harming others, and yet you have no idea how you are going to reap what you sow. Do you think other people in other countries admire this kind of behavior? No, it only gives them justification for saying the citizens of the United States are lazy, corrupt, immoral, and should be wiped off the face of the earth.

I say, if these bored assholes who are ruining this country, top to bottom, cannot be transfered OUT into other duties abroad until they figure out what's important in life, there should be a new American law implemented that every American citizen must serve community service in another country for 2 years.

The only problem is that some of these people, raised by other moral cowards, would just go abroad and form corrupt alliances there to bring back here. I would hope, though, that most minds would be changed after being stripped of the few good things they have in life, to see real suffering and real war and trauma. America needs a better education about what the responsibilities are, of this country, and how much blood was shed, and for WHAT PURPOSE.


I just read it. It's good and should be read but I think I meant the Declaration of Independence.

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