Saturday, January 30, 2010

Declaration Of Independence & Other

One popular pamphlet, which promoted the argument of separation from England, was Thomas Paine's "Common Sense". From wiki:

"Paine donated his royalties from Common Sense to George Washington's Continental Army, saying:

As my wish was to serve an oppressed people, and assist in a just and good cause, I conceived that the honor of it would be promoted by my declining to make even the usual profits of an author.[7]
—Thomas Paine"

Do you realize, that America was a country where the "oppressed" sought refuge? They sought refuge from those who lorded their authority and power over them unfairly. In fact, it was common, in that time, to pay an "indulgence" of sorts, a very high tax to England, when England in return, at that time, did not respect the rights of the people. England wanted the oppressed to pay them, and yet they gave them no liberty in return.

It is hardly different, in the U.S. now, or in Wenatchee, where certain people have assumed positions and then wish to exercise their power over the oppressed while denying them due process of law.

The behavior of people in this town, in official positions, is some of the most Anti-American behavior I've ever witnessed.

Do you understand, when so many generations have passed since we've experienced war in this country, on this land, do you realize that WE were "the oppressed"? We were not rich. We were not the World Power. We were rebels, and we didn't fit in or go along with "the system", and we disagreed and while believing we were equal and that we had the same rights as the man next door, we were oppressed. We were not given freedom and liberty to be completely independent. No, we were told we had better stick with the gang and way things were, or we'd be in jail. Some were not even allowed to practice the religion we wanted to practice because we were told we had to go to the same church and be a part of the same following that everyone else was in. Our lands? Some of us had land in England, but we were told to give it up, to richer landlords. We were starved and denied work until we were forced to sell and give up what we held most dear.

And yet you turn around, in your prosperity now, forgetting everything that was fought for in the past, and you act as lords and abuse your powers, to deny others certain freedoms which are guaranteed by the consitution, to be ours.

We didn't even HAVE a constitution or declaration of independence in England. We were not recognized as "equals". You either fit in or you didn't. You were either born and raised there and had a kind of heritary claim or you were an outsider or a "rebel". Of course the "rebels" were likely "unchristian", "unfaithful", "mentally ill", and "at risk". So they go to America and after fighting battle after battle, they WIN. They win WHAT?!

What do they win???! They win their fucking independence. They win the right to have their own land where they make their own rules, which they decide should never allow any group of persons to control others the way they have been controlled. They win the right to make laws that every citizen can fall back on and be thankful for and protected by. They win the right to NOT have to pay unfair taxes or dues to persons who deny them their basic rights. They win the right to pay the same equal tax that every citizen should pay to support the country, but not to line the pockets of others, and they win the right to not have to pay corrupt officials bribes and extra "taxes" just to have their rights respected.

But here in Wenatchee, there is no "freedom". There is no such thing as being "independent", and they even have a kind of hereditary claim to the land and the offices. Either you were born and raised here, or you marry in, or you pay your way in.

Every single thing that the country was founded on, the whole premise of liberty and equality, is trampled by those in power in Wenatchee. Or, who are in power in a larger vicinity, those who have decided they are the Kings and The Parliament and that THIS is the new order in America. That the rich shall rule over the poor. That those who come into power, by proceeds of the rich, shall rule over the poor.

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