Saturday, January 30, 2010

Ways To Spend Time, Money, and Talent

Instead of playing "musical chairs" with driving back and forth, your gas money could be used to drive to a shelter and help out. Your gas money could be used to support someone whose support is needed. You could use your gas money to save up and buy a ticket to help someone overseas who needs your help, and learn something about the world too.

Instead of spending time thinking of petty ways to play a mind game with a mother, you could be putting that energy into prayer, working on the local city board to try to get new laws in which would benefit others, make a report about some aggregious wrongdoing, making a lavish dinner for your own family.

You could spend time educating yourself on the founding principles of this country, and reading the news and watching programs which would remind you of how many other people in other countries would love to have your freedoms and prosperity and believe you don't deserve it (and maybe you don't).

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