Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Lawyer's Office Has Done Nothing

As promised, my public defenders have done nothing for me, my son, or my case. My public defender also refuses to meet my son. I don't think he could handle the guilt.

They told me they're having all my mail send to me "general delivery" which is what someone told me to do in D.C. at one point.

They took me on, promising to allow me to represent myself as pro se with them as back up, and in doing so, to allow me full access to the boardroom, telephone, and fax, for getting documentation over, and they lied.

I have not had any legal means or resources for getting documents I need over here.

In the meantime, not one motion has been filed, and my public defender had told me not to appeal the last court decision saying it was useless to appeal that and he would and could file a motion for an expedited hearing, which he has not done, to address any of the concerns I have about this case and my ability to gain objective evidence.

They have not done one single thing for my case and have only helped the state, by lying to me about how I could use legal resources, so I HAD a defense, and then telling me no, and refusing me any access AT ALL, so they were not helping me and they prevented and blocked me from even helping myself.

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