Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Mystery Solved

Oh my gosh. Mystery solved. I found W.W.! and it's not at all, anyone that I saw on the East Coast, ever.

I have had some of the biggest mind trips played on me.

I called one of my old friends and I told her "Guess who this is?" and she said, "Umm, I don't know." I said, "You have one guess." She didn't know and I said, "Who did you make up t.v. commercials with on a tape?" and she started to laugh, "I hope this was when I was younger...Is this Cameo?!"

She sounds exactly the same and oh, all of a sudden, everything was normal. I felt normal, as I am, and we talked like old times, and I figured out more of the mystery and said to her, "You have NO idea what I've been through." I told her, "I think you are going to be my best friend here and my biggest advocate."

It was just NORMAL. Everything was so normal I forgot what normalcy is and was, and felt like I could breathe again and knew, "I AM normal! I am just in a very, very, crazy, messed up situation!" and told her some people wanted me to lose my mind and others didn't even believe me because they didn't know me at all and couldn't believe what I was saying, so they either thought I was making it up or nuts.

I'm getting everything taken care of.

What an asshole. And Will is an asshole like always (I mean this affectionately), and a joker. Nice photo Will. I guess he and his wife are having a new baby. I wasn't depressed or anything, I think I was confused and working up something in my mind maybe, because I was confused. I don't know.

Everything is going to get figured out, I know.

I realize now, I never once even saw him in D.C. Not once. I once saw someone who looked exactly the way he did in high school but that was it. I mean, spitting image, and this was after I was thinking this other coworker was Will. The two of them have some commonalities, definitely. But they are completely different persons. 100%, mystery solved.

Johnny Cash & June Carter song comes to mind (I'm going to Jackson):http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbYW6AdUEts. I think, now I've heard it, I was thinking of a different one, about "I can hear the train a-comin'"...Folsom County Prison Blues? I can't remember. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5Ts4M3irWM.

Well, he still has his sense of humor, looking at who his chosen fans are for his Facebook profile. It's the same old Will. I started laughing so hard.

Then, I realized some of the images I'd had, which I wondered were of HIM, they're not. They were of someone else but I still don't know for sure. The ones of someone in a truck in the dust somewhere and then of the hospital scene in a wheelchair. I don't even think those are of the same person, but now I know they weren't of Will.

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