Wednesday, January 20, 2010

more gang harassment from housemate

At a couple of the places I've stayed, if someone knew about something that was done to me or my son, by medical or military devices ill-gained, a few of these individuals would then, among other psycho symbolic shit, they would put out bananas and leave them there and tell me "for potassium" because I've talked about how my potassium levels were affected by the gang violence which occured agianst me and my son.

If I blog about it, or start having problems with the computer such as what was happening tonight, which affects my body, I've had a couple of housemates put out bananas and then make comments to this effect as well.

Tonight, while the disturbances with electronics quit after I blogged about it, I then heard someone come downstairs into my space, which no one had reason to be down here for. There was no laundry going, the dog wasn't downstairs, and no one has to use this bathroom. But when I came out of my room to see what had changed, the only change was that someone put a used banana peel in my wastebasket which is now out in the open where I can see it, and then placed a 'counseling card' for a psychologist, on the floor. Someone by the name of Erin Schmidt--don't know who this is.

I could certaintly talk about some of the other things which happened in Bainbridge and other things as well, but I choose not to. I don't talk about everything, and some things I have written down and put into safekeeping with others and in private locations, in case anything ever does happen to me, with more details.

Instead of harassing me and abusing me and my son, I would try to rethink my tactics and get someone else involved who is more of a "diplomatic" type, who might help others to refrain from doing half the crap they do. It isn't going to help in the long run. What I want in life is very simple, and if you don't want me writing about things, all it takes is some determination to set the path straight for my son.

That's it.

People, a lot of people, already know quite a lot. It's pointless to think harassing me will drive me nuts for one thing, and for another, a lot of people know there is nothing wrong with me mentally. They know.

So I would back off and back off of abusing my son through means which you think you can keep secret.

I can always start naming more names and giving certain persons more detail than you might care to have others know. You also don't know what is being investigated already, so back off.

I found out who did it. He bought 4 bananas and decided to put a peeling in my trash this late at night. I asked that the door be in place and a schedule be made for laundry so people are not coming and going.

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