Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Source of Interference With T.V.

I was curious to find out what exactly might cause the kind of interference I see on the t.v., or have seen here and then also in D.C., where I didn't even have my computer with me to use.

So, I looked some things up. The kind of interference I was getting is caused by radio transmitters or electrical or other devices which affect the reception. That is, if there is nothing wrong with the actual t.v. (there's not, in any case).

So what was helpful was looking up the Federal Communications act site where they have some photos which are helpful and they give examples of what interference might look like, in different cases, and what the source could be.

So I looked at all of them. None of them fit! The only thing that was really odd, is after I blogged this, I had one solid bar go across the top of the t.v. in solid green and yet it was very strange, like programmed or something. I mean, it was still this very blurry and chopped up squares of digitalized puzzle pieces. I don't know how to describe it, but it doesn't fit the traditional forms of interference.

I have never in my life seen a solid bar like that, in that form, but the piecy and patchy digital stuff I have seen.

I might be so wrong, but for some odd reason, the word that has always come to mind when I've seen this, is "satellite". And yet it might be something closer to home than that. Maybe a combination of the two? I don't know why this word comes to mind, and really it could be something else, but it causes an interference that at least is not depicted in any of the photos with FCC.

There is no cable on my t.v. There is cable upstairs and there was for a short time at the house I was at in VA, but then we were without and it would still do this, even with just movies. It didn't have to be t.v. and would happen with DVDs. So at first I thought it was just something wrong with the movie but no, it happened other times too.

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