Thursday, January 14, 2010

My Dream & Images & "Symbolism" from others & Vibe

Last night I was reading some things and asked for something profound but I didn't get anything profound, I don't feel. I ask, if I get something, it is something the person knows I did not come up with on my own or could have known ahead. Usually too, I think it's supposed to be a message maybe God intends. I asked before I fell asleep and all I got was "erudite". I have no idea why and it seemed to me, to just be one of those things. I got it for, I don't even want to say anymore and it's anyones guess including mine. Then I had a lot of dreams but I kept waking up all throughout the night and then would fall asleep again, at least 3 times, and all I can remember from my dreams is that there was a man in one of them named "Danny". I don't know who. That's all I remember. I don't know any Danny's and I don't even remember what he was doing in my dream at all. He was just there.

I had a pop song on my mind when I awoke but I can't remember now what it was. I probably need to keep the journal by my bed so I can pen things out. Then I asked right now, what my first song of the day should be instead of just choosing myself and the title "Moonlight Serenade" came to mind. I don't know this song or who does it but I looked it up and it's there. Glenn Miller or some other people do it too. This was the first clip I clicked on:

Then this one came to mind: Crazy by Patsy Cline.

This came to mind. "I've Been Working On The Railroad" by Johnny Cash. This is a beautiful recording with a nice intro. For some reason, I can hear tons of kids screaming and singing this song. In my mind's eye I mean. Not in the beginning, but let me listen again and figure out where I start picturing kids or something, like in a preschool or classroom or some kind of something and a very large group in sort of a sing-a-long, but I guess bc I also heard some teacher played this for her kids, but I can really see the kids. I didn't listen to the first one with the teacher. It's at the part where he starts singing "Dinah blow your horn!" He sings, "you can hear the captain shouting...Dinah won't you blow your horn" and I "hear" and "see" all these kids shouting out Dinah won't you blow, dinah won't you blow, dinah won't you blow your horn! I don't mean I hallucinate or literally see or hear anything, I mean, in my creative mind, I can picture this and think it would be something fun to do with kids sometime and that they could really get into it. Really shouting it out. I can see someone with a little horn too, tooting when it says dinah won't you blow your horn, or it would be fun to give kids kazoos or something to blow when singing this song. Toilet paper rolls for horns to toot out of or kazoos or something. Maybe rolled up paper into a funnel.

Then I was looking up the poster and this song came on after I clicked to it: "In A Young Girl's Mind" by Johnny Cash, (this site). I've never heard this one before but I like it a lot. I think the guy just posted it today too.

Oh, I forgot that I did see a scene, sort of an image right before I fell asleep, but it was right before and I fell asleep before thinking to write it down. I saw a scene with people moving around in a living room. A family. Like I was there or watching through a window or camera. Just people moving about, getting up from a chair, etc., but I couldn't see faces and I fell asleep too fast. It wasn't a dream because I remember distinctly thinking about it and wanting to write it down but then I fell asleep right away. I'm sure it was a dream but I just wasn't fully asleep then.
I was going to take the dog for a walk but I had a bad feeling about it. I saw a normal woman passing me driving down, and then some guy with this horrible smirk on his face driving up and I went a different direction with the dog. I decided to turn around. Then, I saw, when going back, someone had put more symbolic shit on the sign that marks the beginning of the path and I'm not into it. A group of red and green streamers, which has inside meaning and I'm not going into it, but people know because I made the stupid mistake of opning my mouth about something online and thinking it wouldn't go anywhere when I was partly just kidding around. I feel bad for the dog but I'll take her somewhere else later.

Oh dear God. This wasn't the "Danny" from my dream! hahaha! Funny stuff.
I'm looking for work and getting some things done today but I'm also going to try to do my psychic thing by just allowing ideas come to mind for songs to look up. I asked for the next one and it was "troubador". I didn't know if I'd find a troubador, but there's one by george strait. So I'm listening. It's not serious, just a fun thing, like closing ones eyes, opening up a book and choosing a passage and saying beforehand that this is the "verse" or the passage of meaning. So, I'm not a big country lover for any means and I've never heard this one, but I'm just going to expand my horizons by listening to random things that come to mind.

"Troubador" by George Strait. Here is the dictionary meaning for "troubador" (had to look it up bc I don't know what it is). I actually love this song! I guess george strait's not too bad. Good song. (n.) One of a school of poets who flourished from the eleventh to the thirteenth century, principally in Provence, in the south of France, and also in the north of Italy. They invented, and especially cultivated, a kind of lyrical poetry characterized by intricacy of meter and rhyme, and usually of a romantic, amatory strain. Here are more definitions: trou·ba·dour (trb-dôr, -dr, -dr)
1. One of a class of 12th-century and 13th-century lyric poets in Southern France, northern Italy, and northern Spain, who composed songs in langue d'oc often about courtly love.
2. A strolling minstrel.


[French, from Provençal trobador, from Old Provençal, from trobar, to compose, perhaps from Vulgar Latin *tropre, from Late Latin tropus, trope, song, from Latin, trope; see trope.]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

troubadour [ˈtruːbəˌdʊə]
1. (Historical Terms) any of a class of lyric poets who flourished principally in Provence and N Italy from the 11th to the 13th centuries, writing chiefly on courtly love in complex metric form
2. (Music, other) a singer
[from French, from Old Provençal trobador, from trobar to write verses, perhaps ultimately from Latin tropus trope]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 6th Edition 2003. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

ThesaurusLegend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms
Noun 1. troubadour - a singer of folk songs
"Desperado". A cover that's not too bad.
"Jeremiah Was A Bullfrog" came to mind.
I had a good vibe really, until about now. Now it feels sad for some reason. It's 11:55 a.m. Sort of a little better at 12:09 a.m.
"Mr. Tambourine Man" by The Byrds.
"Livewire" came to mind. I didn't know whether to choose the Motley Version or AC/DC version but I got this one: I like the guitar riff at the end. I'll have to compare with the Motley version. I like the AC/DC version much better. I like it enough to listen to it again but I don't care for the Motley version. At first I liked the guitar playing in the Motley one and it was driving, but it's too fast and redundant and I can't hear the words. Then I go back to AC/DC and I could actually rock to this one. Not only that, it's creative, that opening, like a charge or pulsing wire...very good. I also like his voice and interpretation. Hahaha! I love this one. First time I've ever heard it, is today. I will listen to it again. I don't know, I was trying to think of a song to play next and the word "Armageddon" came to mind. Lol. these words. I know it's a song but I don't remember who does it or if I'd recognize it.
I typed in "Amageddon" and got Aerosmith but then it went to a clip of the ovie Armageddon and the song is "I Don't Want To Miss A Thing". So I'm going with it and then I'll see if I can find the other. I looked up the movie. About NASA. I've sort of wondered if sometimes NASA does projects about space exploration as a cover for doing other kinds of work? Anyway. Just a thought. I tried typing in the song outside of the youtube list, and on google something by "the duchess and the duke" comes up. ? I might listen to that, but I think I found the one which was coming to mind. Armaggedon It by Def Leopard. I don't know why, but I like it so much it makes me laugh out loud. I just like these 80s rock bands. I can't help it. This one just makes me happy for some reason, and it makes me laugh. Oh that guitar riff at the end is so gorgeous.
I guess youtube doesn't have the best list. Better to look it up through google. I found out there's another troubadour song, by Burl Ives, and anyway, a whole bunch of things to look at. I was trying to find "magic" because it came to mind and I typed it into youtube and nothing came up but then I went to google and "Magic" is a song from the movie Ladyhawke, which is a strange coincidence. Or, maybe it's a group, I think, that's named ladyhawke.

Oh my gosh! this is a GOOD group! I kept looking for the song, because I knew to look up "Magic" as a song...and look what I found by a GROUP called "ladyhawke": They're actually good. I guess I like it because it's considered to be New Wave. I wonder if there's another song called Magic. I just found a ton. by Olivia-Newton John, the Cars, Pilot, Robin Tim Myers, and Selena Gomez. That's a lot. I'm not sure, but I'll listen to them all. I chose the Cars one first: I know this one! I couldn't think of it....this is a great song I just saw the singer for the first time and thought, "It's Charles!" in a shag do.

Oh no, "Magic" by Olivia Newton-John. Now it's Kate Middleton. I only mean these comments in a teasing way, not being mean or making fun. I started laughing out loud with the 'shag do' bc there was something about a stag do in a clip I saw and i don't know, just kidding around.

Now for the next Magic song..."Magic" by Selena Gomez. Cute girl, Selena. Okay song, can see it as a Disney song. Onto Pilot's version. I like Pilot's version, it's the same one that Selena does and I just like the arrangement best. Well, I like the Cars one, well actually, I like all of them, they're all different. I don't know which would be one I'd pick. The strangest thing was, after I posted comments about Olivia Newton-John's version or finished watching it, I felt great. Great energy and very peaceful and calm. I don't know why. I should have posted some other links.
Peggy Sue just came to mind. Need to find Peggy Sue now.

"Alistair" came to mind but I don't know if there's a song. Oh my gosh!!!! this is a song! And it's beautiful. This one was real inspiration, I know the idea popped to me for some reason: "Alistair" by Sophie Moleta. This is so beautiful. I love her. Never heard of her and never heard of the song either. So pretty. Might look up other alistairs too, just to see what's out there. I love love her. this is my best find of the day. Sophie & Ives. I will have to hear more of their music. I guess Sophie is from a duo. I like the painting or photo behind her--it's so pretty. Here's an original sax piece by some guy named "Alistair" that's equally pretty. Everything associated with alistair so far, has been nice.


My creativity is really being stimulated today. I'm coming up with all of these ideas for stories or ideas to add to the storyline. Even quotes, for characters to say one to the other. For example, I swear, I feel very inspired today, but this is HOW inspired and only creative artsy nuts will understand this...but I used the restroom and saw a hammer and thought about nail association I guess, I have no idea, and this quote came to me:

"It's destiny, you can't fight destiny."
"Oh yes you can, and you fight it tooth and nail."

And I got something like this as a conversation between two women, but said about someone else. Very shakespearean, umm, not my writing, but the ideas coming to me.

But then I thought, hmm, how to work that into a book? and just lots of ideas flowing today. So, trying to think of the next. Atalanta came to mind. I don't know as a song, but I'm looking it up and finding she's from greek mythology so I'm curious. Lots of "A" words today, but no matter, I dno't have a dictionary with me, I'm just letting random flow of words come to me to spark or generate creativity. Hmm, so far, I'm reading her name means "balanced" and there is something abuot a big boar hunt. Which made me think about a conversation I had online with someone about boars, recently.

Reading from wiki on the name. Well, I guess there is music about Atalanta, it's an opera by Handel. Will look it up. Kiri te Kanawa! Care Selve! I don't know what it means yet. Will have to find an English translation. Something about "I go to the woods, I go into the shadows, find me my love or to find my love". I really really love this overture by Handel, for Atalanta: It's the first I've heard anything from this opera. It's very up. Halfway through I could see horses galloping, like, well, like the story goes, as part of a hunt or something, or I can see skipping. Kids skipping. At 3:45 sort of horses galloping first and then I could picture or imagine children skipping around a room or play-acting like horses galloping. Hardwood floors and maybe one of those horse sticks a child can "ride" or gallop along with. I mean, I see that as a child's response to the music, or a possible response. At 5:40 where it's swirling or spins, I see christmas ornaments that are in spirals which turn. I don't know, just came to mind.

I am listening to this overture again. I like it so much. It's worth hearing again. I also sense good energy, maybe just while listening to this piece...Very good energy. Warm and surrounded by good energy or someone or some others feel this too and I am picking up on it.
I have to ssay though, I'm no fan of youtube's "recommended" selections. Very obnoxious. Extremely obnoxious and it's like they don't even have any normal videos to recommend and you should see the ones they recommend, or I guess it's their "featured videos". Someone needs to hire a new person to recommend better stuff.
Oh great. Another "A" word. Artemis. Will have to pray and see what else comes to mind if i'm getting stuck on something. Looking up "artemis" now. It just popped to mind. This is getting weird. Hmm, maybe I'm sniffing too much of the varnish fumes that are wafting upstairs. It's another huntress. Who kills another boar. Well, lot of animals I guess. Interesting though, to be reading about her. I was just starting to think "Why am I getting all these huntresses but no "diana"", afterall, you know, but then I just read Artemis is the greek equiv. of Di which is Roman. Good to read the mythologies. I am still playing this overture piece over and again.
Oh, I don't even think I want to post this, but for the sake of honesty about what I "get" I will. I got "terigo". I typed it in and there was a cafe with the motto which was on cookies given to me at christmas. Hmmm, looking again now! I typed it into a song search and it brings up, closest thing, "Love Brings Separation" and is by a Korean singer. I was also trying to look up what terigo might mean in italian, bc it sounds italian or something. spanish? I was thinking italian. I have no idea. I don't think terigo was for a song though...too far removed, but I got to hear a good song however.
"Mischief" came to mind and first I saw there is a movie with this name about guys who make bets over a girl in an immoral, in my opinion, disgusting way. There's also a street racing DVD series. Then I looked up songs and there's "souls of mischief". Sounds like they have a good rhythm but I wouldn't know which song to choose.
One word that kept coming to mind, over and over again, which I kept pushing out, was "esther" but I don't think the biblical one, maybe not. Just esther though. I found esther ofarim. First one I wanted to hear was "Dirty Old Town": I guess she's best known for Cinderella Rockafella, as it was an international hit. hahaha. This one makes me laugh as soon as she sings "rockafeller", or, "you're the fella" and the yodeling! haha. I like the guy riding by on a bike at the end. I don't know why, just funny to me. "There goes MI-5?" Anyway, cute video. I have never even heard of this song. "I love your chinny-chin-chin..."
A few more of these and then I'm done because I have a lot of new ideas flowing already. But I will try to think, specifically, of words which will lead to songs to hear. I just tried to think of something and "March of Dimes" came to mind and I'm very sure there's no song for that. I guess I could always look. I will look, but this is odd, I got "Miss Kitty's Christmas" I thought what?! I'm still looking, but so far, I found there is an album by Sarah Gaines called Miss Kitty's Neighborhood Christmas. There might be something else too. Will keep looking. There are also Miss Kitty books for children about Afghanistan...still looking...

There is nothing musical for miss kitty's christmas on youtube so I looked up March of Dimes and found a Captain Kangaroo commercial and I was typing this and it went down the playlist to a commercial for "Stag Beer". Hahaha. Here's the commercial with "puddles". Perfect name for a puppy.

There is a song by Kitty Well's called "Christmas" and I've found a few more.

I got something about Terrance Hill but couldn't find much and then some Disney tunes and then one that stood out was "Patchwork Quilt". I did think about Dolly Parton though right after so it may be her quilt of many colors song but I'll look at others too. First, Quilt of Many Colors. oh, it's coat of many colors. Well I was first thinking Patchwork Quilt so I'll go with that. It looks like there is one by a Warren Hayes: Here is one by Phil Lesh: It's not a good recording but good enough. I like the line, "So please forgive me, for putting you in my song, but the spirit she moves me..."

There is another song by Keali'i Reichel called "Patchwork Quilt" but it doesn't show up on youtube or anywhere.

I also thought of the song "Take Me Home Country Road"
I think the youtube recommended videos are very disturbing. I'll have to keep a list of what gets recommended on my blog somewhere, just for others who agree! SO disturbing, in fact, I had to look up who owned or ran this company. It's out of California which doesn't surprise me, and then is owned by google after having youtube's main ceos. It doesn't completely surprise me that google owns it either, for some reason. I wonder what kind of videos they "recommend" to people in other countries who are viewing or if they do a little "customizing". One of the guys listed looks really familiar to me.
Might try for more images after awhile tonight. I am looking up that nobel egg history and then praying and I just felt compelled to read some scripture and was led to Jeremiah 18 and Jeremiah 20. The verse of the day which popped up was:
“Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Psalm 139:23-24

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