Wednesday, January 13, 2010

not to publish, okay publish for my rebuttal

I don't know what today was about. It was very up and down with energy. I started feeling it very strongly while I was in the Safeway, very, very, strong even though things weren't so great and my last post was about investigation. Yet still, I felt, I don't know actually. Then I got some make-up at Walgreen's, which I needed and things were 50% off Rimmel, which I've never tried, but it was such a good deal! I saved $15 with 4 small items. Then, I walked back and stopped at that one house again, and the energy was so very strong and positive. I don't know why but I felt covered in prayers, or that someone was really praying out of urgency. So I stopped by the house my great-grandfather built and I don't mind if anyone wants to look at it because it's beeautiful and I'm proud of it--it's 440 Miller St. Oh, and on the way all these cars with WIJ drove by, a TON of them, and WIL and stuff, one was 007, but that's not why I sensed the energy. I just think someone was praying bc everything else could be a big joke and it's been dangerous for my son. But then I began to feel the strong vibe go, but a more calm peaceful feeling, like relax, and don't worry. So I got a weird feeling when I looked in the door, bc, well, I don't know if they want me there. But I left a note asking if I might stop by sometime. I went to the back of the garden this time and it was pretty, but not like the very back of that carriage house. That's where I feel some things took place, by that wisteria. So I left and then had to use the restroom bc I'd dwadled and the lights were all on at one house but it was kind of weird and they thought it was weird too that I stopped. I just went to the nearest place was all, and then! I came out and all these guys are driving by like "what's up?" and hands up or something like why in the world did I go there or do something, and again after I passed "Windsor Court". I had the weirdest feeling someone wanted me to go over and tap on the sign or something. I mean...? I do not get it. So I had never noticed before, haha, there is a "Windsor Court" with apartments right before the turn to my house and my eyes sort of bugged out because I swear I cannot escape. Of course I wasn't going to go down that road! As if I was purposeful. It was just the other day, I think I deleted it, I ended up at a diner after grabbing a flyer for a handgun training class which I didn't even think they had at this one place and they just offered me one, but I thought it was a different place, and then I go to this diner and I'm sitting at a table facing red and green m&ms dancing over a jukebox and to my side the record on display, one of them, is "the buckinghams ("what a drag")" Betty Boop stuff everywhere. So I'm sitting there (I was told to sit there by a waitress actually when I asked if they had wi-fi) and people were really driving by slowly that day and I just turn, and I'm squaring with the buckinghams, another time time I thought "Either something strange is going on in the universe and it's a big joke on me, or I am really obsessed and now notice english royalty in the smallest details." I thought again, "I can't escape." And then the other night someone said not to obsess. Okay. I don't think I do.

Really, I have been noticing more than a thing or two and I feel I'm just being made fun of. On different levels and I've even noticed maybe a thing or two from quite a distance. It feels like mockery. Well, mock me if you must!

I'm no threat to anyone except those who harm my son or try to keep lying about things. And maybe some don't like anyone with an idea about a book or who claims to have a psychic flash or two, about royalty. That's okay with me.

I should ask for something, a message that is magnificent which might touch those who mock. Today was the first day in a long while that I didn't feel blocked from prayer, like I felt there was an open channel again for some reason--not that I did anything wrong to begin with but there's an ebb and flow and not feeling it doesn't mean it's not right to pray anyway.

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