Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Possible Investigation

I had someone tell me there is already, might be, an investigation already, into what is going on with me and my son, from a legitimate organization in government.

I told a couple of members of my family to pass this information along to those who have been harming my son and to keep a better eye out for my son if it's not coming from them.

I typically would not say anything, except that I hope by doing so, it gives some notice to people who harm my son, they may be under surveillance and what happens may be called into accountability.

I am sure no one would tell me if there WAS an investigation because they'd think I'd blog about it or say something, but at the very least, I feel if there is anything I can do on behalf of my son, it is to share this information because I am more concerned about my son staying safe, than allowing him to suffer for the sake of gathering more evidence for whatever. Whatever it is. My son is not a sacrificial lamb.

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