Monday, January 18, 2010

Royal Family Hot Water II

I met Gordon Brown. He's a nice man. I met him at the pub. I didn't know who he was at the time but I later looked him up because something seemed familiar. I also didn't meet, but saw Earl Charles Spencer in Maryland. I recognized him but just sat there and let him observe me.

I was approached by a lot of people who had known Diana personally while I worked at The Pub. Some were nice and seemed fascinated by me and others were not very nice at all. I also met people from Wales and was told by one woman that I was going to have to take up riding lessons in preparation for my future. I was being groomed for either something "good" or just being fooled because I was perceived as a threat and someone wanted me in jail for a long time so I could NOT be that "threat".

And yes, I met a lot of people with the CIA as well, and I also met a LOT of people from Israel and who were connected to Israeli intelligence and I had no idea why there were so interested in me.

I met a lot of people from Pakistan, who were always nice, though once I sort of had a misunderstanding with one who got drunk and thought I might do something for him, in general, all very nice people.

In addition to this, a considerable number of individuals who worked for the U.S. Department of Justice were interested in me and I had one of my cell phones stolen by one of their computer operation guys. I cannot tell you how many military personnel expressed an interest and how many psychologists and doctors wanted to meet me, probably after knowing full well what had happened to me and my son and being amazed we were still alive.

I said nothing about a few things I suspected while I was there, because I was interested in keeping private matters private. But I am not thrilled, by any means, with the way I have been "handled" so-to-speak and how I and my son have just been dumped to the wayside with no one taking an interest in getting us back together. I'm sorry, but it doesn't cost that much to be able to find someone who can help with a decent lawyer, and the lawyers I've had in Wenatchee are only helping some other people who have power who don't care to see me ever have my son and there are just a few motives I can think of, for this.

Do you know how it feels? to have come into contact with so many important people and then be left out in the cold to sleep outside like a homeless person because some mobsters want to control my entire life here? and then have people try to poison me and my son, and try to kill me in Seattle and then cover it up, or try to, large-scale, so no one believes me, or thinks I was ever "important" to anyone?

And with all this, I kept my mouth shut. I thought I might still have a chance to get my son back and why should it be impossible? but no one was brave enough to really show their face and be honest about what they were about. Who was I supposed to trust? when I had people, an entire English soccer team, flipping pennies at the cafe I was in, in Maryland one minute and mocking or not, and then I've got the priest with the clock out and all the England memoralbilia and then yes, I had people asking me if I had ever owned a turquoise jacket and if I like sapphires and picking my brain about everything.

It then ends up with me out on the streets, people forcing me out of both work and housing and out of having my son, because I don't go along, I guess, in the way they wanted, and get myself married off or aligned with some group, and I end up having people forcing me to hear threats about "What happened to the Kennedy's" and "What happened to Marilyn Monroe".

My take, is that someone was interested in me, and a huge group of others wanted to quash that interest fast. Maybe they found out about me from my blog and took an interest because I wanted to write a book about Diana. I don't know.

When I was thinking about marrying Alvaro, I had people from all over the world approaching me and trying to dissaude me from marrying him. Europe, Australia, and a couple from Scotland and I wondered why anyone from other countries cared about me. I didn't know if someone was trying to set me up to go to jail half the time (which was happening) or if someone wanted me to be married off so I was then a more discreet courtier for someone royal. If someone is already married, it's preferrred I guess, because they're less likely to talk.

I didn't talk at all, not even when I was fucking homeless in Wenatchee after having attempts made on my life and then people still harassing me night and day. But I'm sick of this shit and I want my son back.

Why the HELL has all this money been spent on ME and making me look BAD? I don't think anyone even knows what I had to endure in Seattle, with a fucking jet flying over so low it was just yards away from rooftops and then this woman telling me to "get in the car" and people stealing my stuff to have it reappear and then full-on psychologists even lying in hospital notes to make it sound like I was nuts instead of the fact that someone actually tried to harm me.

A hell of a LOT of money has been spent on trashing me. A hell of a lot. I would like to know why. I have some pretty good ideas already, and I still keep my mouth shut, but I would like to hear it from some of the "big people" who think they are so important.

There are a few, who really know everything. They know so much and I think quite a few, actually, in different international intelligence agencies, they do know too, but would never tell me. I think there are some who know a lot of it, and then a few who just know everything.

I just want to know why it's been made impossible for me to get my son back and who, really, is behind this. And why. I would like to know which group felt I was such a threat. Is it more religious than political? Or just mob-related more than anything, transcending all the other...who is it a combination.

I only want to know who is genuinely interested in helping me, because if you help me and my son, we will help you and your country. I may not have a lot to offer, anymore, but I still have some assets which a lot of people don't have, actually.

This is all I'm saying for now.

I want my son back and if I have to fight my own family and the Avila's to get him back, that's what I want to do, and I need help from someone with money and resources to get somewhere in this legal process because it's going nowhere and I have no other way to fight all the lying and corruption and abuse against my own son.

And my car and the papers and box of tapes I said I had, which were later confiscated by someone who bought my car? Well I can't even find out who got that box of tapes and all my belongings, because the company changed hands and all records were wiped out.

The phrase "We never knew ye" keeps coming to mind.

I never found out anything about the turquoise bit and all of that fuss until I stumbled upon "The Royal Forum" recently, looking for something else and read this and realized where all the questions had come from. I don't have any intention of saying who was doing the asking.

I'm sure Wenatchee people find some of this hard to believe, but I had problems before here, and now realize it was partly gang related and partly, I think, because I was going to sue on behalf of my son and myself and also because the lawyers and a lot of people were still angry about my litigation in the Abbey Archdiocese matter. So I think some of it was from this, and maybe some from "offending" a Rabbi by griping about the tax issue. When I went to the East Coast, it just got better and worse at the same time. I met more good people and then also, things got convoluted.

When I recently found out Kate Middleton might be Jewish, I wondered if, if anyone had been interested back then, if this peeved someone in that community because some in a certain group want her to come to prominence for political reasons, I don't know. I just found out abut her possible religious affiliation a week ago so it crossed my mind. On the other hand, I have also wondered if someone in the Catholic church is still mad about my talking about Marian dogmas back when, and if this effort has been to punish me for that. Then, I think, no, it's just political and mob affiliation. I don't know. I know that I had felt like I had some allies and I don't know if they ever were and if they were just trying to trash me, or if some wanted to be allies to an extent but didn't want me to go in a particular direction. I've had so many obstacles.

I would like to help others more, if I could, if I could believe I am not constantly having people try to lead me into traps to get rid of me even further. Some people want to pressure me one way and others a different direction and I just don't know which group is actually on my side and supportive of me and my son. I don't know too, who is pretending to not be for me when they are, or vice versa. It's been a lot of straight up roadblocks and harassment but also subterfuge.

Lately, I've seen "fake crying" like people pretending to be sad and shed a tear with a finger beneath the eye, looking my direction, until I notice and then doing this. That's not the crying and the real tears I've seen. I have seen, legitimately, grown men in tears, because somehow they must know more than I do, but maybe they don't even know all of it.

I want people to start talking to me or to pass on evidence to me if no one else can be trusted. I don't know how. If there is an investigation, which will reuinte me with my son, great, but if not, in the meantime, I need to do what I can and I need tips from people, even if they want to remain anonymous.

I have no agenda and I have no motive to control anyone or to be a part of something people don't want me to be a part of. My goals in life are very simple and I care about my son. If I could reassure others that I am not a threat in any way, and sign something stating I would stay out of certain arenas or lives, or be quiet, I certaintly would. If I had the assurance of having my son with me, there is hardly a thing I wouldn't do to make the world a better place and placate people and try to make others happy. But this is not possible, when I struggle to make sure my son is where he says he wants to be most: with his mom.

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