Monday, January 18, 2010

Royal Family Hot Water

Well, I'm writing for Diana, and not for anyone else. I also speak for myself, and not anyone else, including Diana.

However, with all of the death threats, intimidation, and drama over my interest in writing about her, it has caused me to think about some things. I had my own set of problems before I became interested in Di, but then, I got caught up in something new.

Something that some people, on an international level, do not want me to be involved in. I have wondered, is this why what happened to me happened on the East Coast? Or why I was running into certain individuals? At one point it was photographers everwhere in a friendly way, and I was meeting some interesting people, to say the least, and then suddenly, I'm back in the NW, on the run for my life basically and having an impossible time getting my son back.

Were these certain persons ever trying to help me? or did someone just want me to be in jail, so I was unable to follow my idea to research this, or to get my son back.

I also feel, that while I'm protecting the privacy of others, I don't really know who is trying to protect me and my son, because with all of the money and resources out there, where is it going? Certaintly not into paying for a private attorney to help get my son back.

And yet the things I have withheld from the public, to date. I suppose, on one hand, I could be very charitable and kind, but maybe it's my being "too nice" that has allowed all the harassment of me to go on to this degree and while I feel very recently I may not be a "threat", all I ever fucking wanted was my son back, I wasn't shooting to be the Queen of England, or even a fucking royal mistress.

Do you want to know how I feel tonight? After what I had to go through with my own father? Pissed. I have tried only to do good, and to get ahead just enough to get my son and yet I feel there's a whole other drama that's been dumped onto my plate, and it is preventing me from getting my son back, because the more bad and harm that can be done to me, the worse I look.

I'm tired of being nice. I'm tired of being nice while people say sick things to me, and give me sick "warnings" and instruct the footpeople or whoever, to do what they want so the top dogs are happy and orchestrate things to their liking.

I have a bunch of "Peter's" denying me and distancing themselves, when my son is being harmed and they know it. I would just THINK, that something could be done, if such important people have been interested in me to this degree all along. And then other groups have only been interested in smearing me and trying to keep me down.

I finally realized, the hell of it is, some of more than unbelievable. But the sad part, is that it's true. Wenatchee doesn't know the fucking half of it. I could very easily start talking about those who DO.

Why the HELL am I so important? Since when did all these resources go into trashing me and putting out disinformation to MASSES of people, about me and what has been surrounding me?

I wish I could talk to Di. I wish I could talk to Fergie actually, but I can't. Obviously, because I'm going off now. But the problem is, there is not just trouble in my life, there is trouble over in England and other places too, and recently I came to realize what some of it is about.

But I'm just supposed to stand by as the world falls apart over weird battles I know nothing about, and allow people to do nothing as my son goes to another family when he wants to be with his own mother. And no one has the resources to look into this?

My son has been a total pawn, on so many counts it's disgusting. I'm fucking TIRED of this bullshit. I'm also tired of some groups trying to trash me so I don't, or didn't get "in" with royal family because they have their own designs on who and what type of people should be in power. Like I, personally, have EVER cared about power.

I care about my SON, period. I could have been left out of the other bs but instead of just dumping me to the side to fend for myself as my son suffers, I DO expect more. I expect some fucking accountability. And if you can't do that for my son, who is the only person I care about, why should I keep your fucking curtains closed.

Fuck YOU.

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