Monday, January 4, 2010


I hardly slept at all. When I did, I had a dream which wasn't great. I couldn't sleep, and then I woke up with a kink in my neck and a mixed energy which felt somewhat okay and good and then somewhat plateaued.

I shouldn't have written a few things I did last night and I'll have to delete. I guess I was upset by a couple of things but it is difficult to know who is actually trying to send me a helpful or friendly signal, and who is just messing with me, because I get a combination of both.

My dream was that I was speeding, just barely, down the highway, and all these other cars were going the opposite way and telling me to slow down. So I did and then this officer saw me and everything was fine because I was coming to a stop, but then a different one was behind me and saw who I was and tried to single me out for speeding. So he wrote out a ticket and we argued and he wasn't going to take it back, and it just went on and on, until I told him, in an aside, that I already knew he knew who I was, and that he was unfairly singling me out and had a motive for doing wrong to me, and that the other officer knew I hadn't been speeding and that I'd slowed down to a full stop. As soon as he realized I knew who he was, he nodded his head and said okay and tore up the ticket and called it good. I hadn't said it in a confrontational way, but in a "I know" way, and suggested it would be best for both of us if he dropped it.
The Coldplay song "Change" or whatever first came to my mind this morning but then it was, more strongly, "Lost". So this is what I'm playing for the first song of the day.
I got pissed last night, although I had a nice time at the meeting, pissed for other reasons, and took the dog for a walk really late and let her off the leash. I think that will be the last time I do that, if I don't have tons of time on my hands. She found deer tracks and took off. THEN, I actually heard people hunting up above on the mountains, and I wasn't goign to go up there hiking for her, with the sound of gunshot going off. She definitely had a blast, charging back about 25 minutes later as I'm yelling and whistling for her throughout the neighborhood and then she was so excited, she would come and I tried the friendly "come on! come on!" and then the firm, "Misty...COME!" and nothing worked until she was ready and that was after she'd charged through another 5 neighbor's gardens. So I decided I'm not taking her off the leash unless I have a lot of time on my hands.

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