Monday, January 4, 2010

Weird Day

Today has been weird. Somehow, I did something that made a lot of people happy. i don't know what, except that I did something bizarre when I went back to the house to grab food for my son after we'd already left, and I took out some cups, or a cup to drink from and then got in the car and the driver was using the exact same cup and drinking the exact same thing. I hadn't even noticed if he'd been drinking something before. So I thought that was weird. Because there are a lot of different kinds of cups and I just so happened to pick the same kind he was drinking from.

Then, I felt all this weird pressure to talk to this guy who came into Subway, like a pull of some sort, but I didn't, and then he seemed pissed when he walked away.

I really do not "get" anything. My visit with my son was totally weird too. It went from being really hard and different-difficult to a complete about-face. I mean, it was like day and night. I will detail my visit with my son when I can, in a little bit.

My son looked good. At first I thought he had another cut but it was one of the cuts on his fingers that was still healing. Otherwise, he looked better and acted fine except he really acted out at first. Which wasn't really usual, but he did and then it just completely turned around. Very dramatic, and it turned about the time I decided to introduce a stuffed chicky-duck as a puppet, talking to him and confused about whether it was a chicken or a duck. I'll have to write about that. It was cute because he totally got the humor and was smirking while it was singing "Amazing Grace" with clucks and quacks and then after I decided it was a duck, he later corrected me and said, "It's a CHICKEN!" I said, "Oh! Oh, I think you're right...oops!" and he had laughed, going along with my claim that it was a duck until he asserted his own opinion and had to correct mama. It was really cute. I started singing, "Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a duck like me!"...

I sense that strong good energy today.

But I need a nap. I don't think I can write about the visit until after I've had a nap...I didn't sleep a wink, it seems. So tired today! I cashed a Christmas check today and what did I do? First thing I did was buy a veggie sub with everything on it, at Subway. lol.


  1. Okay, Cameo, I've been reading your blog and I haven't said anything yet, but enough is enough. You are seriously paranoid. I say that because every single entry you've written talks about you "feeling energy" or implying that there are people out to get you. Wow, get a freaking life already! Most people in Wenatchee probably have no idea who you are at all. These little "connections" you write about are completely in your head. So you happened to grab a cup that someone else had. Woo, big connection there. If people say stuff that messes with your head, it's because you write about it so damn much, not because there's a true connection there. Doesn't it ever occur to you that the things you are writing about are precisely why your son is not with you? Think about it. You write these long, rambling entries that make you seem completely paranoid and completly crazy. Who in their right minds would hand a child over to a paranoid woman with a ton of conspiracy theories?

  2. Dear Anon,

    Either you live in the Dakotas or you are very young or perhaps you are extremely old, or you've been living out in the woods for a long time next to large spaces of pasture. Or, maybe I just-so-happen to live in a big "mob" town that has everything to do with the number "3" and signs and symbols. For all I know, this is what the whole world is about and I never knew, because ...well, you know more than you admit to or you would never write.

    Here, people change their clothes and colors to suit whatever someone tells them to do. If you don't believe me, get your ass over here and start witnessing all the shitty Prince William of Wales and Prince Henry of Wales imposters that have suddenly sprung up, all with chocolate or black labs.

    Before you start making lame ass excuses about my writing and what I notice, come on over and I will give you a customized, personal, tour.

    I'm really tired of being sane but being accused of, essentially, being the only person who doesn't know what the hell is going on.

    It is also none of your business and not within your professional expertise, to accuse me of sounding "paranoid" bc I write about energy and vibes. There are plenty of people who do this and they are Christians, Muslims, Jews, and New Agers, and if you happen to be atheist, then I am sure you have felt something called energy too, and yet you don't know how to articulate what you experience, or perhaps, you just never experience it at all...I'm sure some people turn it off and shut it out.

    Quit making posts to my blog when you clearly don't understand.

    And yeah, you want a tour of fucking Buckingham Palace characters? Come on over, but bring your frickin' scottish cap and a dog named Widgeon first.

    And yes, a LOT of people have been interested in my interest about Di, and I don't know who the hell they all are, but they were interested in ME before I was ever interested in DI. Do I know WHY? Hell no. HELL NO. If I did, I would have put a stop to it long ago.

    I have, lately, people picking my brain about Di's death and why? Because, probably, she did not die in a simple accident and I must have hit on SOMETHING that some group wants to get at or distort. As for the "other" stuff and how the world the hell should I know? Everyone, it seems, does, except me, and yet I am the one everyone is watching here.

    Why? I have no idea.

    But quit picking on me unless you want to sit down for a proper cup of tea and then I'll take you around town and start pointing things out.

    Don't FUCK with me, my reputation, or my son. That is where I fucking draw the line and I'm fed up with people like you, throwing out the crazy accusations, when everyone knows I have got it together, and a lot better than most.

    I pardon you, for this.

    Not only that, I am writing a book and I am entitled to have any damn conspiracy theory that I want, although what I find interesting, is how I seem to be SO fucking "interesting" to begin with.

    My son is better off with me, his rightful mother, than people like you or others who want to suppress and deny the truth.

    Sorry, but this afternoon I've just had it up "to here" with all the royal family mock ups I had to see.

  3. I live in Wenatchee, and I can assure you that half the stuff you claim happens, does NOT. I have connections to big business and the media and nowhere does what you mention even happen. It is all just you.

    Even in your response you are a complete babbling and rambling idiot. You jump from one topic to the next and come up with even more conspiracy theories. Case in point.

    You, Cameo, are not so important that all of Wenatchee would be worried about you.

  4. The very fact that you have to promote yourself as "having connections to big business and media" indicates you're not top shelf.

    Seondly, there is no "big business and media" in Wenatchee.

    Thirdly, if even "half" of what I claim happens, happens, I am right, and I don't need you to say whether I'm right or not when the entire town knows about this and I've been threatened with losing my son and having my son harmed if I don't become a part of it.

    I, am "so important" that yes, the entire town is interested in me, because so far, it seems, I am the only person who refuses to go along with something I don't understand or believe in and I choose to remain neutral and to keep integrity.

    If I am not so important, why the hell do YOU, "So Important" bother to even right in. How is it that I've attracted the attention of "such" an important person as yourself.

    Bug off.

    You're not top drawer, top shelf, or anything but a first rate nuisance.

  5. oops. I typo'd "write". My apologies as I am especially embarrassed to feel so humbled before such an important person with grand connections to big business and media.
