Sunday, January 17, 2010

Someone Check On My Son

I feel someone needs to check on my son. It's about 6:30 p.m. but I feel like something isn't right. Maybe it's someone else or something else, but my son came to mind.

Almost 5 or so minutes after I wrote this, I felt someone heard and I almost got tears in my eyes.

This has been a really weird day, energy-wise.

About 10 minutes later there is more of a peace and a feeling that something is better somewhere. Please keep an eye on my son.

The song that just came on now, from lastfm is Vineyard's "Mamma Africa" from "Do You Wanna Live?" It goes "say a prayer for Mamma, Africa."

People need to be checking up on my son regularly. He has had things happen to him and there needs to be surveillance on my son at all times from people who are trustworthy and will report when something is wrong.

People have had access to my son, who should not have access to my son.

Now the song is from 3rd Day, "Tunnel" and the chorus is "there's a light at the end of this tunnel, for you." I don't know that this is very reassuring, depending on how one wants to take it.

At any rate, something very strange that I got today in the kitchen, seemed ludicrous but I'll see. It would seem like a very good thing, but I still felt like Elizabeth when John the Baptist told her she was going to have a child when she was so old. Oh, oops...not John! that's her son! whoops! the angel tells her.

I feel better though. I don't know why,but I feel better about something.
Listened to some of Kate Miner's newer songs. "Hung the Moon" is really pretty and makes me think of my son. I haven't heard any of her newer things until now.

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