Sunday, January 17, 2010

Haiti Tonight & International Support

I never watch t.v. Well, I do in spurts, and tonight I felt like just zoning out. I have no t.v. guide. First I came across 60 minutes and it was really interesting, especially the part about Haiti, the first real news coverage I've seen. I was glad to hear the U.S. sent out some military to help organize things and distribute goods because I had read money was pouring in but not getting distributed.

I then tried to find something else and ended up on a movie which I thought was a James Bond at first because of the actor. I turned to it just as he was looking at a painting in the museum of some orange building and then found out it's The Thomas Crown Affair. I can't get away from the crowns. I've decided not to look up any headlines anymore for awhile. I was looking at things but I'm not going to anymore, not for a long time. I have other things I have to focus on.

Anyway, I saw more Haiti coverage tonight, on Face The Nation, and about people moaning in the darkness until they sang their national anthem and I thought, wow, I can understand in a way, how singing is triumphant and a sign of a strong survival spirit. I was thinking though, now they have some money, and some troops to organize, because I was thinking they DID need help with people, but also I hope pharmeucetical companies will pitch in with free painkillers. Seriously, I really understand what it's like to suffer, in pain, and I hope these people all get their pain needs met.

I hope some other countries can pitch in too, because the U.S. is really struggling and yet people are still pulling for Haiti, one of the poorest nations in the world, and I hope other countries will be able to share in the spirit, and probably they have but I haven't done the reading yet.

I am hoping for help from other countries too, because even the U.S. needs to reserve some monies and resources for problems even within the country right now.

I also liked the piece that 60 minutes did on the football players in ...

Oh! how sad, I'm watching this nature thing about yaks? and calves..oh, bison. I guess it's filmed in Yellowstone. But the calves were crossing a river with their mom and got stuck and then was freed, but it was so sweet because the bison mother was really worried and trying to encourage her baby with noises. And then the calf made it but was too tired to walk. Okay, now a bear chasing bison. Well that's interesting. I have always wondered, what do these documentarians do if, now a's a whole zoo out there in the plains. Yes, I know I sound a little nutty now, don't know why I'm writing about this, but it's ummm, cute. Yes, I recommend this nature film. But I was wondering, what they do, if that calf was about to drown do they just let nature have it's way or try to help? This is really weird. Coyotes, bears, and bison altogether. Oh no...This bear mauled the baby cub even though the mother tried to save it. Terrible. I found myself yelling, "OH NO!" and not even thinking about it, out loud. Now it's talking about when it's brave to fight or to flee. And the purpose of mother animals, to distract attention, and this mother deer is trying to distract the wolves and then invites the wolves to chase her, using the river as a "safe retreat"...

Hmm, this is a good show. Good lessons. "She can play this game with 2 wolves, she would never attempt this with an entire wolf pack". "Frustrated" says the announcer, the 2 wolves give up. The calf owes its life to the tactics and the courage of its mother. The announcer says, "Motherhood, is a test of character, even for bears."

This whole show is about mother animals and their babies. The mother is defending her cub against wolves now. The mother bear. The wolves make a decision to leave.

It says if the cub survives to be a big bear, the tables will turn. Okay, well, this is channel KSPS. Whatever that is. Channel 9. I am actually enjoying this. Now it's lighter, and they are showing cubs playing. So cute. Thank goodness because I needed a break--I was on edge. "The mother is always there to supervise" (as should be). So, for 2 1/2 years they are with their mother FT and then they can manage to be on their own. Now it's onto wolf pups.

Why do I feel like I need a drink? Where's mah whiskey! glass of wine, g&t, whatever. This is as good as a suspect movie.

I'm into animal stuff again lately. I was walking the dog with her ahead of me the other day, and she was leading and I thought, "I'm in 'Where the Red Fern Grows".

So there are all these geese and beautiful wildflowers and birds, and everything. So pretty.

Really cute wrestling romance scene with the Grizzles, ...this is so weird...They don't stay together, but you should see them, they're so cuddly with eachother. Really sweet, and affectionate just like humans. Now the bisons are fighting over women I guess. I think I'd rather be a Gizzly than a bison at mating season. Oh, sd, this one bison suffered a head injury and is going around and really confused. I said "NOOooo!" out loud again and couldn't help it. It was bc this bison almost went under but then he pulled out of it and made it.

Play by play in Yellowstone. Just don't ask me to do sports--play by play that is. I think I need to separate my nature t.v. post from the Haiti post. Ummm...yeaaah.

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