Sunday, February 28, 2010

Anti-Psychotic and Paranoid Schitzophrenia Medication

I talked to someone recently, or they, rather, passed me a note in a restroom, along with a bottle of anti-psychotic and paranoid schitzo meds. I thought I'd try them, starting today, just to prove it makes no difference and that they don't work because I don't have anything wrong with me and what I'm saying is real. So I only have enough for about 20 days and they're supposed to be quicker acting, but I thought I would try it just to say I did and prove I'm NOT nuts.

I also got a prescription for anxiety stuff but haven't filled it because I don't have insurance yet.

But I am taking the first pill in a few minutes, and we'll see what happens. I figured 20 days can't hurt anything. I don't think. I need to look up some information really quick...

There are serious risks but I am willing to take them just to show it doesn't work, or hey, if there's something wrong then something should be dramatically different. You can't alter a personality though. I don't have mental illness--I have a strong personality and opinions that some people just don't want to hear, and very strange circumstances.

I AM being safe, and I checked the photos to make sure they matched before trying anything. I was given a slip with it, with identifiers and information so that showed what it was supposed to look like, but I double checked. I will also check consistency. It's for clozapine which is supposedly a tradtional one that starts to work fairly quickly, if it's working for someone.

I will give it 20 days, which is how much I have and as far as I know, it's not illegal to take a non-narcotic drug to try. I've never heard of someone getting in trouble for taking SSRIs or any other medications.

I was given the 25 mgs and usually you start with 12.5 but I will just try the other because it's not that much more really. She told me to take one a day to start, or had written this on the paper, and she gave me another note too, which I already flushed. But aside from that, her instructions were to take one a day and then increase to two times a day after the first week. So if this seems okay and like the first week is alright, I will. She gave me 30 tablets.

It works like a charm or it doesn't.
Just took the first one. If I can find the right webcam, I want to do this all with streaming too, to show my basic life and how I'm normal as is really, but it would also show my daily habits.

I also figure this is a way to show I am attempting "compliance" with what the state wants. I still have to see some "psychiatrist" but then I can go to him and tell him I'm still having the same problems and it's the environment and my circumstances, not me. I will have already demonstrated trying something. I don't have much time left and my lawyer hasn't done anything for this case so I have to do it myself. I had to get my HEAD EXAM myself too, because my own lawyer did nothing. Nothing! and neither did the state either.

Anyway, I've been wanting to webcam stream but I want to go with a company that is outside of the U.S. so it's been a search.

Usually you have to have blood levels checked but it's just to see if the white blood cell is up from what I read, just today, and I have already had bloodwork done and they said it was completely normal (except for abnormally low potassium).
I also read and found clozapine works for bipolar too, so no matter what anyone says I have, it should work or not.

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