Sunday, February 28, 2010

Harassment Lately

Some of the harassment I've had has been really surprising. I was calling to find a children's book publisher and got this place in Seattle and the guy told me they take books about "Sasquatches". I thought this was kind of strange, and wondered if it was intentional, because my Dad had read books about this to me and my brother when we were little. So I didn't much more until he told me to pinch my thumb into the middle of my third fingernail. This is just like the photos I loaded, showing some of the color variation in my nails and trying to show the ridge. So he tells me to press down really hard, just like that, and I won't have a headache anymore because the middle of that fingernail is a pressure point.

It was just harassing really. It wasn't true and he was messing with me and I thought it was really sad.

Then, I go to a place in town to pick something up, and it's a christian charity organization and they knew I was coming. When I got to the porch, they had laid out this very small display, but a display none-the-less. It might not seem like a big deal, but it is when you have "christians" eagerly waiting inside to see what your reaction is to this. It was a box with "Spanish" circled in bold marker, next to another box which was there for absolutely no reason but just said "BANANAS" in bold and took up the whole box, and then they had put some green piece of plastic next to red spraypaint bottles. The plastic wasn't from the spraypaint bottles. The Banana's box didn't even have a bottom and wasn't holding anything or covering anything. It was just out there, positioned next to the "Spanish" box. After I left this place, I was passed by a bunch of people accessorizing their green and red together and it was just odd because they stared at me gleefully, wanting me to notice.

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