Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Difference Between Outside & Inside The House

Here is one difference.

I have had problems with the computer all day and night. And it affects my health. So at one point tonight, I took the laptop, turned on, and put it in the other room. I went back to the first room and there were zero problems. For about 15 minutes or so and my body felt cooled down and normal.

But then I noticed very slight twitching, very small and then all of a sudden, a very strong heat. The laptop was in the other room. So I went upstairs and there is only a housemate, sitting in a spot directly above the room.

It seems like every Sunday night is when he and his girlfriend had their symbolic meal and bottle of wine and tonight he was having, well, what else? Chili. Of course!

The difference, I noticed, is that when I go outside, I don't have any problems. There is no heating of my body, zero twitching, nothing at all. So WHY is it that it only happens if I'm indoors or next to the laptop? Not only that, my headache even goes away (light tension headache).

There are seriously weird things that go on in this town and some things I haven't even written about yet.

When I went upstairs, he was in a black and white striped shirt and has been wearing black and white lately. I walked past and he had two empty bowls sitting out and I picked them up and cleared them away. I didn't do it for him. He said, "Well thank you" and I said, "I suppose even Jesus would do the same."

I did it as a tribute to Christ only and what kinds of things people made him endure.

I went for a walk and still had the heated feeling. I stopped at a woman's house bc the grocery wasn't open and she gave me 3 advil. A lady with some nice art and a beautiful study on Castlerock. She reminded me of my friend Kelly. Then I ran into this other guy and he gave me a pep talk. He and his wife are moving back to CA. I guess I felt a little nervous bc he took white stuff and a sheet out of his truck and I hoped it wasn't another game thing and meant something bad. I don't want anything bad to happen to anyone. He gave me 3 CDs by some guy named Abraham Hicks. He said he and his wife Karen and their daughter Amira are moving back to CA in 2 weeks.

One CD is from 12/06 Asheville, NC; another from 1/07 Buffalo, NY; and another from 9/08 Fort Lauderdale, FL. Then I was walking back and noticed 3 satellites in a perfect line in the sky. Seriously, and they're not stars to be lined up like that. I agreed with all he said but I also felt like I didn't know what to think later.

So I think maybe this guy Chris, maybe it had nothing to do with him and maybe this has nothing to do with the house. Computer? definitely. I just don't know what's going on but then it completely cooled down, my body did, and my headache also went away.

I felt fine but as soon as I'm on the laptop, I notice that sort of burning feeling again.

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