Sunday, February 28, 2010

Truth About Medication & CDs

Well, I have to tell the truth because it might be a dangerous lie, and not have the effect I want it to have.

I wasn't given anything and I would never take random medication from a stranger. I just thought if I pretended, maybe someone would back off because they wanted to make it look like it was actually working.

But then I think about it and if someone thinks I'm medicated they might use it as an excuse to do worse. This guy I talked to said some people might want to kill me for being different, so I started to worry about that, and think I had better be honest right now.

I thought I could do my own investigative stuff, but maybe some others really are doing that already and are trying to help.

He didn't think I was nutty, and no one usually does. Other things I've written are usually true, but this is one I felt I might need to clarify and just quit.

He said "Good work" after the pep talk, and I can agree it was good advice but I just hope, I don't know. I hope things will really work out for me and my son. He said to change my internal monologue and things I wanted would happen. I don't know about that--we don't always get what we want, but I hope.

I did wonder about the satellites lining up because I've seen that in the sky before, one time it wasn't just 3 stars in a row, this was a tight row, but more like 5 or 6 and a little more spread out but still noticeable. That kind of thing makes me wonder if I AM some kind of government guinea pig.

I went from being very hot and feeling a burning sensation in my body to feeling almost abnormally cold within a few minutes. Now I feel it again. I am, I know it sounds weird, but wondering if satellites and the radioactive contrast they gave me for MRI has anything to do with it at all. I know positively, some of it is from the computer but I don't know how.

As for satellites, would this be government or are there privately held satellites? I mean, are all satellites government owned or could a private owner arrange to move satellites together to look like stars in a row? I am wondering because I have no idea why the U.S. would do this.

I know very little about satellite technology.

oh, I wrote about the CDs in the other post.

He said I was going to have new life, or could, and from this point on, turn things around. I feel dubious but here's hoping. One thing was that he said he and his wife were going to get a mobile home and put it on 5 acres in CA and that's something I had written down in a book, for a plan for myself, before I ended up buying a house. I wish him and his family well. Oh! the other thing! there was this old 1950s chevrolet car, a sedan with rounded hubs, and new it had no radio or heater and he said he got it out of a wheat field in Idaho. I think it was a very light blue. The windshield was all shot up so I had to ask and he said some of the marks were from kids throwing rocks but the rest of it really looked like bullets. So I kind of got too imaginative when he put the white paper towels and the white sheet on that car, like, "I hope that doesn't mean anything."

Basically he said to try to forgive others and move forward and good things would happen for me. Said to do daily affirmations and change the internal thing. He was unloading his truck and there were a lot of boxes of paint (couldn't tell, they just had red diamonds on the side of the box) and then onion rings and something else. I just don't know what the satellite thing is supposed to be about.

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