Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bad Vibe

I felt fine most of the day, vibe wise, even though things are not going well. Until about 5:00 or 5:30 or so. I don't know what it was, but I got this feeling that wasn't right.

I pulled up a site of a Washington CPS attorney and when I connected, I just got a bad feeling but don't know why. I was on speakerphone and then at some point I heard a voice that wasn't his in the background. Like a phone interference thing. A younger man's voice. I am sure it was just interference but he said he had people on hold so who knows.

He said it would take $25,000-$30,000 to handle my case and said "You can't afford me". I asked if anyone does pro bono anymore but apparently not. I told him I didn't think it would take that much money for a good lawyer to handle my case because there is a lot of supporting evidence for me.

This isn't a case which is being won easily, it's being won by depriving me of any and all means to defend myself at all, and blocking me from getting things done. No one, no matter how right they are and what evidence they have, will win if they don't even have a phone and fax and transportation.

It is ridiculous to assume any defense can be made at all under those circumstances. My case should not take that much money to defend. I know this on my own.

There are very basic things which haven't been done, which any competent lawyer could do, if they were honest.

There is a reason I've been forced out of work, housing, unemployment, and even representation, and it's because they never had a case against me to begin with and had to trash me that badly and keep me down that low so not even motions could get into the file and prove them wrong.

They've always known they are wrong or they wouldn't have gone to the lengths they went to, to block me from normal legal access.

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