Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Photo of Image & Vibe

This will look very strange but I'm going to post a photo of the image I had. It sort of looks "wrong" in a sense, but it was shaped like a large capsule but have no idea what it was. I only saw the hands. The hands I "drew" are just for proximity, they were not in mittens as this looks.

I started getting this sad vibe, but I am still hopeful things can turn around. I am doing some things to make the future easier and although I feel a sense of angst over something, I really am indebted to some.

I really am, and so is my son. I have NO idea who to trust, at all, but someone is helping, or a few, and I'm so thankful. I know there are things which cannot be done now, but thank you anyway, even if I don't know who you are. Be safe, don't give up on anything.

Thank you.

I am not giving up although I don't understand why so many problems.

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