Friday, February 26, 2010

CIA: The Truth Will Put You In Jail

There is a saying on one of the walls inside the CIA. "The truth shall set you free". If the truth were known, it would be sending people to jail. At the very least, it would be starting a massive round of class action lawsuits.

MK ULTRA experiments didn't end. They just went on under other names. Here is a link to people who successfully sued the government, with information about what children and parents were subjected to.

When you see what kind of vaccines were given to kids without their parents' knowledge, some parents might understand better how I have been doing a public good, as much as they might not like me, I have been looking out for their kids more than most would, by trying to expose things that I have witnessed.

This entire area is a huge medical testing grounds. There are stories I could tell.

If you or your family members haven't had health problems, maybe you don't believe it. But not every experiment even kills or harms--some people are not affected at all.

This town needs to stop and think about the woman whose son they are keeping from her, and start thinking about what my motives have really been about.


  1. Evidently telling someone the truth will get you jail.

  2. I have no idea how to take that comment.

    Evidently someone telling the truth will get you jail? as in "you" in general like "one" or a person? or are you implying I've done something wrong?

    I've done nothing wrong, and nothing to go to jail for. I have been sent to jail twice already on false charges for things I never did. I am sure there are people who want to find any way to frame me or try to get me in jail so I am unable to hold them or others accountable who are really horrible.

    I have tried to protect my son as he is harmed and we are intimidated. There is nothing to go to jail over, for that.

    However, I am sure someone still would like to have me in jail, or some larger group. Afterall, people were doing really shitty things to me for a long time and then all of a sudden someone was trying to pull a fast one with me on the East Coast.

    I had someone TRY to bait me to go to jail for a long time and I didn't take the bait because I've never done anything wrong and wouldn't be the type to do anything wrong.

    But sure, if people started telling the truth about what's been happening to me and my son, oh sure, people would be in jail.

    And some people in the CIA should also be in jail, FBI as well, and that doesn't even include police who are dirty.

  3. You were told the truth and you threatened the person with jail.

  4. I have never threatened anyone with jail who told me the truth.

    I have a number of comments from you, within the span of 10 minutes and I'd like you to quit. I won't publish anymore from you.

