Saturday, February 27, 2010

This Morning & Images: Tsunami in Seattle?

Tsunaimi. I can't spell it but I know what it is. I woke up this morning to see the news and find out there was a giant earthquake and ensuing tsunaimi in the NW waters or something. I don't know, maybe it was there, over there.

Just last night I had tsunami come to mind but it was for Seattle. I don't think it's even possible for that to happen but it came to mind briefly.

There is no way I can prove this thought came to my mind because it wasn't one I documented. I thought it was just a thought, but I specifically thought about a tsunami in Seattle and wondered if it was possible.

Just now, the news guy said there is a chance it will reach Seattle. I really, highly doubt it. I do not feel or imagine it will happen, but I DID directly have an image of a tsunami in my mind to Seattle. For me, it just makes me wonder why certain thoughts come to my mind at all, and then I later find out there's relevance. There is a lot of coincidence in the world. I just don't know.

For me, personally, it's sort of strange because when it came to mind, I thought "I don't think it's ever been seen and I don't think it's even possible to happen in Seattle" so just hearing that such a thing is possible is strange.

It was last night that this thought came to my mind so now I'm wondering when this earthquake hit.

It would have been so weird if I had written down that thought that I had. I think I didn't because I was pissed and WANTED a tsunami to hit Seattle and wondered if god ever heard prayers like that, that affect whether and figured it was too impossible to happen to Seattle. So there was my very human, tearful and upset thought. It wasn't something I was really proud of but then I wake up to this news and it just surprises me that any kind of warning could ever be issued to Seattle because I have never heard of such a thing on these coasts. I might look it up.

I hope the people are evacuated quickly and get help. The only part I think is strange is how I was writing a poem and then wondering if tsunamis were possible in the NW. I did a little research after hearing the Chile news this morning, and found out they are and I guess one big one is expected sometime, by scientists. Seattle also has a large earthquake fault, which I didn't know, and Eastern Washington has even had small quakes, some around Hanford (imagine what kind of disaster that would be...earthquake around a nuclear facility).

I've been listening to Madonna. The first song to come to mind, well, I just picked what came up: "Rain".

I put a comment about the royal family into draft mode where no one could see it, but I guess I'll publish it again since there is something interresting about a coincidence between my writing about having some image of the Queen and a ribbon or blue ribbon of sorts. The very next morning, with zero prompting from me, my son, first thing into the visit, picked up a magnet blue ribbon and asked what it was. It was like the first thing he did.
I am following the Chile news a bit. This woman who gave me a ride recently had mail facing me addressed to Concepcion, Chile so I was hoping her friend is okay, and most people are, so that shouldn't be a worry. This sounds like a large earthquake but not too many people died, so that's good.

It also crossed my mind that William would be going out there at some point, since he once worked over there to build houses. I don't know where he did the work though.

I actually think Chile came to mind last night, when I was thinking about China earthquakes and wondering if I should try to guess where a big one would be, that stood out and I believe Chile came to mind but I dismissed it, thinking it was just coming to mind because of other subconscious thoughts or news I'd read. I am not positive, but i think it flitted through my thoughts for just a moment.


  1. You can't see some pages on facebook without logging in.

  2. Evidently a tsunami could hit the pacific northwest.

  3. "A lower-grade tsunami advisory was in effect for the North American Pacific Coast, including Washington, Oregon and British Columbia.
    A Tsunami advisory means that a tsunami capable of producing strong currents or waves dangerous to persons in or very near the water is imminent or expected, but significant, widespread inundation is not expected. Currents may be hazardous to swimmers, boats, and coastal structures and may continue for several hours after the initial wave arrival.
    As of 8 a.m., the expected effects from the tsunami were predicted to reach Washington coastal locations between 2:50 and 3:05 p.m. Saturday." This is a quote from a news release.
    The Washington coast is not Seattle.
