Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Copy of Email To Doctor (desperate for help)

Neurology Appointment For Cameo‏
From: cam huegenot (cameocares@live.com)
Sent: Thu 12/17/09 10:29 AM
To: sfreed@wvmedical.com; sfreed@wvclinic.com; sfreed@wvmc.com

Hello Dr. Freed,

I'm having significant problems with some of the state workers. The Judge ordered I had to have a neurological head exam in the last hearing and that's all that was ordered. The state had to go back to him to have more done.

So far, in one month's time, they've made no attempt to schedule anything. So I was the one to finally schedule with Dickinson on the 30th.

Now, they claim they need something different, a whole panel of people which was never authorized by the Judge, and they are trying to sneak in a psychiatrist besides, which wasn't authorized.

The first step is just to get a head exam, normal one.

I'm finding it very strange how Michelle Erickson and the state workers, including Anne McIntosh, are INSISTING I go "out of the area". It's not going to be any different in Seattle or Spokane, than it would be at your clinic. But they keep wanting an excuse to make me travel.

They most lately said I had to go out of the area bc it had to be a "neuro-psych". So I said, no, that's not what the Judge authorized but even if they did want a neuro-psych, that could be done at the clinic bc I checked and neuro-psychs can be done there, and even PETs can be done there.

Still they balk.

At this point, they're telling me "you don't have a choice" but I DO have a choice in going to someone local if the same thing can be done. They have no excuse for this delay either.

I don't have insurance to pay for this though and I don't know if there's any way that I could get in to have it done anything so I can take something to the court and get visitation increased.

I am wondering, if I don't qualify for insurance and there is a bill, if I could even work it off by doing janitorial work or something.

I believe my family is being pressured and intimidated by some of these state workers, and I have seen horrible things done to my son and everyone looks away. I am the person who will protect my son and I need your help in getting him back. Last visit, he had 3 razor cuts across his left hand, where the fingers go to the hand. Each week I'm seeing something different and the state workers have been lying left and right and blocking me from documenting the quality of visits with objective documentation of audio recording.

For some reason, they got it in their minds, that they REALLY don't want me to go to WVC. Maybe you would have a better idea of why, but all they keep saying is they want me to go anywhere but there. It's unnessary and the last time I went out of the area, I had more than one attempt to poison me happen and I am not making this up. I prefer to have it done here if I can get done what needs to be done.

Then they started arguing that oh it was my fault bc I claimed I had problems in Wenatchee with Wenatchee medical professionals. And yet, this certaintly didn't matter when I was told I had to have an I.Q. test done and report and was told it could be done in the area and not out of area.

My own lawyer is just letting them do whatever they want. He says he doesn't have enough information yet and in the meantime they've just railroaded me more and they DO NOT even care about Oliver. That is what's most sad, is that they truly care about themselves and their agenda, more than a little boy who keeps begging to see his mother more. My son expressed, at every visit, how he wants to be with me and not the Avilas.

He doesn't want to leave his visits with me and you will remember how bonded we were and that bond cannot be broken.

I am asking for your thoughts and ideas on this. On how to somehow get this done, despite the state attempts to stall on everything and refuse to get me in.


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