Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Copy of Email To Public Defender #21

I am back to finishing posting all of the requests I made to my lawyer, for help. I made the other posts on about the 5th or so and then he wrote saying he was going to do all these things but then, out of the blue, for no reason, they filed for termination on the 9th, with no warning, when my lawyer told me he was going to do all these things. Justin Titus knew, all along, that there was a time issue and I had to get some things done and he did nothing. Two months after he signed on, I was still writing to him, "WHEN IS THE HEARING?" and where are your motions? He had my entire case file, talked to me in person and over the phone several times, and had declarations but made excuses.

From: cam huegenot (cameocares@live.com)
Sent: Thu 12/17/09 10:02 AM
To: justint@wenatcheelaw.com


I would like to see the policy of not making up holiday visits, in writing. Please ask for the policy to be sent to you so I can have a look at it. Thanks for letting me know.

Also, while you may need a little more time for other motions, the motion for audio recording can be made now and MUST be made immediately.

I will give you a declaration of facts.

Also, did you request copies of recordings of all the hearings? There is more information on these audio recordings and the court should be able to make quick copies within a week's time at your request.

I will write letters of declaration for all the motions that I need. There isn't any "evidence" to wait on from them. They do not HAVE any evidence. All they have used are lies, in court, and this is why objective recording is needed. I can put together declarations this weekend and have them to you by Monday.

Also, I want a motion to be made for getting this head exam done at the WVC, ASAP. They are stalling and there's no need and they tell me I don't have a choice in where I go. Well, I DO have a choice, and it should be argued to the Judge that if I choose to have it done in Wenatchee, I shouldn't be made to travel.

I find it very strange they are fighting against having it done at the clinic. They want it done anywhere except at the clinic so this looks suspicious, on their part.

I made an appointment with Dr. Dickinson, for the 30th, and there will be a neurological evaluation at that time.

The AG and state workers should know that if they refuse to increase visitiaton with my son and continue to delay and stall, I will bring in other people to help them along and to oversee what's going on.

That means, I will bring in "outsiders". I promise you, they will not want "outsiders" getting involved.


From: justint@wenatcheelaw.com
To: cameocares@live.com
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 17:41:32 -0800


I understand that you would like to have things move quickly, but we need to establish a factual basis to support our motion. In order to do that, I need to see all of the documents so that I can clearly understand:

- Why DSHS and the GAL are against increased visits?

- Why they are against audio taping?

- Why they require security at your visits?

After I get the information we can file a motion and have the matter heard after giving DSHS and CASA 7 days notice. I am working for you, but as you know, DSHS moves at a snail’s pace and unfortunately we are forced to deal with that. I hope this helps clarify what they situation looks like right now.

Also, I got a letter from DSHS explaining that they do not make up visitation that is lost due to federal holidays, such as Veteran’s Day, so that is why they are not giving you make up time for that day. They did not single you out, unfortunately your visit just happened to fall on that day.


Justin W. Titus
Kottkamp & Yedinak, P.L.L.C.
Attorneys at Law
435 Orondo Avenue
P.O. Box 1667
Wenatchee, WA 98807-1667
(509) 667-8667

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From: cam huegenot [mailto:cameocares@live.com]
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 3:21 PM
To: justint@wenatcheelaw.com


I need to have an expedited hearing set up. I am NOT waiting until March while the state jerks me around.

I don't know what you're doing. If you're not on my side, you need to dismiss yourself from my case.

I need a hearing to argue for increased visitation bc Michelle said they weren't going to do it all the way up until March when they want to terminate.

Not only that, I want audio recording NOW. They are still arguing there are problems with my visits with my son and this is BULLSHIT. I have no way to cover myself and my son. I cannot believe you're allowing this...I've told you I need a motion to be made IMMEDIATELY.

They still have not scheduled a neuro exam. I scheduled one and they refuse to go with the WVC even though I could get this done immediately. They are saying I have to go out of the area, and don't even have a good reason for it. Michelle tried to say there wasn't anyone for a neuro-psych and I told her I'd already checked and there IS. So she STILL refused. Besides which, I need a motion which clarifies that the neuro exam is only a neuro exam and nothing else.

I need a motion for an independent psychological evaluation done NOW.

Please let me know what you need. You say you don't have all the records. Well, I don't need to delay because I have quite enough already. Besides, you do NOT need more information, in my opinion, to request audio recording and basic things that protect my rights

So let me know what it takes. Does a special set occur before motions are filed? or afterwards? I need to know because I'll file my own motions if you're not going to and I'm going to get it done in the first part of January.

Also, they added an hour for my visits with my son next week, to make up for this last missed visit, but they haven't made up the hours for the other missed visit which was missed on the holiday last month. I think they need a reminder.

Michelle and the CASA guy refuse to increase visits with my son, so I want a motion for it. If that takes more time, fine--in the meantime I want a motion for audio recording and why it's necessary because they're claiming the VISITS and the content therein are blocking me from further visitation.



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