Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Energy Better

Been listening to TLC and thinking about some things tonight. Made some calls and thought about a few things, and I am so excited for the future.

I started to feel hopeful for the first time in a long time. I am thinking about some options which will not be immediate but will slowly get me and my son out of this mess.

I also realized I have people who believe in me and who believe my son and I are persecuted and they believe everything I'm saying. And they know what kind of harassment I've had, even online. The mind games and everything, and the corruption with my case and what horrible things have been done.

I started to realize, if people here refuse to allow me to get ahead in any way, there are other places where I could grow and be an asset and not be traumatized or distracted and pressured all the time with harassment.

I've had jealous people trying to keep me down almost my entire life and I'm tired of it. I get smothered and forget why they were and are jealous in the first place, or hate me so much. And I think about my son and how there is no reason he should not be with me and what a disgrace it is to the United States in general, that this has happened.

Then I think too, I do have someone who loves me and I don't know who it is yet. But someone loves me who I will love as much and we're meant to be together but I just don't know who that is right now. It isn't my first priority.

I think about what shameful and disgraceful things have been done here, and it is such a shame against what the U.S. and even Washington, or any state, is supposed to stand for.

I won't be stuck in the middle anywhere. I will fight as much as I can and collect all my evidence and documentation and then present it to the right people for a truly independent evaluation and then I will come back and sue.

No one has the right to take my son. My son does not want to be with others and chooses to be with me and this entire case has been corrupt and all the people involved that I've met, have been as well.

I talked to someone from Texas who hung up abruptly at one point, having to pick up children, but saying she'd never heard of a lawyer not doing anything or filing anything for 4 months. People everywhere, who are not from this area, cannot believe what they hear when they hear about it. Everyone is wondering why no one is doing anything, why there is no accountability and how it is even possible they could get away with what they've done with me and my son.

I am sort of watching Frontlines thing about the Al Quaeda. I think it's good because it shows they are humans, with feelings and principles. It's a really good special and shows things which we wouldn't agree with, but also shows where they're coming from too.

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