Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Couple Photos From A Decade Ago

Dancing with the trees.
I kept out all photos with me with friends and family, for privacy reasons.

The fat horse and the riding horse.

House I grew up in, in Oregon. The pond is below, which I loved, and then the horses up the hill in the back of the house where the barn was.

The Great Historical Clock, which I now think is garish but it's one of the few photos I took and I'm not sure why.

The Lincoln Memorial Park, Washington, D.C.

K.K. took a bunch of photos using me as a model, for his art photo class. This was one, in one of the vintage dresses I found in Portland, Oregon. It was a 1950s solid green silk with small imprinted designs.

Very fuzzy

Here I am, at the cross of 14th Street in D.C. I believe, when I was 21.

Traveling in Pennsylvania, in front of the Ritz I think, and friend wrote on back of photo: "Where's our cab?" The guys were 15 and wanted to hang out with us. I was 21 or so but looked 15 so we all hung out for a little while.

I basically figured out my photos went out to a bunch of people so I thought I'd put a few of them up on my own. Just a couple that I have with me now.

After trying to take a photo of a photo, I realize how bad this camera is! Everything is fuzzy.

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