Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Copy of Email To Lawyer About Blocking Me From Evidence

I sent this to my lawyer after asking, over and over, to use the fax to be able to even get documentation for my case to avoid termination. In 4 months, nothing has been done. I am going to put up all of my polite requests to my attorney and his firm, to give me reasonable representation. Right now, there is no reason not to postpone the next hearing for a week or two and he stalls even though he knows it is best for my case and that I can get this for medical reasons for migraine and the fact that I've been sick the last week or two:

RE: Postpone Hearing 1-2 Weeks‏
From: cam
Sent: Tue 2/23/10 7:58 AM


I need you to postpone this a week or so. You cannot get motions all made up by tomorrow and even with the info you've had, you haven't done anything. I have been sick the last week or so and will be due for migraine today or tomorrow and I want you to push this back a week so you can present the court with reasons to withdraw the termination effort.

To my understanding, they can withdraw the motion to terminate.

Also, you've not given me any further information about that Childrens' Home Society guy. You wrote about him and then never got back to me.

Additionally, I cannot get to you, all the information you need, when your law firm blocks me from using the fax to make requests for release of information to get this evidence. I told you from the start this was why I needed to use office resources and this firm has blocked me frmo collecting any evidence.

I need to know if your firm is going to let me use the fax and get things sent over here, to help turn my case around (which it could be) or not.

I also need this pushed back a week. There is no reason why the state cannot wait one week to discuss putting in a publication.


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