Tuesday, February 23, 2010

MacKenzie & Use of Less Than Lethal Technology in Wenatchee

I read the headline about how the detectives don't want us to think there is some "crazed rapist" out there.

I knew from the very first, she wasn't assaulted sexually. Intuitively, I just knew, even though clothes can be on someone or put back.

Like I said, this town is full of "monsters" that do horrible things all the time and they don't get caught, and to think, from what I hear, 10,000 people went to Sports 5 store to buy mace, is beyond me.

Instead of buying mace, people should spent their time and attention to cleaning this town up, from those who use less than lethal technology and intimidate and harm all the time.

I have a whole list of people who have used such technology, on me, in close proximity and it's not pretty. In this town alone.

Then, there are other things which have been done to me and my son and I'll have to describe these things, the symptoms, in more detail.

One of them is one of the lawyers I've been trying to work with. Not all, but one. There has only been one in close proximity to me when something once happened. I am also getting the names of a couple of the middle aged women who approached and did the same thing.

I have had some lawyers do odd things, and not felt they were working with me, but there is only one time where I was sitting in an office, that I realized this heating type of thing was being used. I wondered if it was my laptop but that was in a bag to the chair of me. I wondered if something outside could affect this and cause something to radiate out from it and yet it was the same feeling I had when a couple of people directly approached me, with their hands in pocket, pointing something torwards me. I dismissed it, but immediately wondered if I was going to get any help at all. I thought I would wait and see if it was some kind of warning to just be quiet and he would help or if he was just messing with me and didn't think I'd figure it out. But one lawyer was there in that room, and facing me, with hands under the table. It never happened at any other lawyer's office.

And I did find out that there are very small things which can be used.

It was in the boardroom for Justin Titus. It was my first meeting with him. I still don't know what was used but after this, I thought I would still try to work with him if their offices were going to let me have resources to other things so at least I could represent myself pro se. But then he just did things to screw me over. The only possibility is that something possibly through the window could be done but I don't think there was a window backing me--not sure. And then I felt he might not be helping me at all and after 4 months, this has become quite clear.

This is the office, where, when I first walked in, after blogging about how my Dad said there were a lot of people looking out for me, I saw this magazine which they had turned around so it was facing and it said, "Just you and the twins." There is only one lawyer there that I felt was halfway okay, or I didn't sense they didn't hate me and that was one of the bigger guys but I don't remember his name. There was a shorter one who didn't like me and then the other one blocked me from using the phone or fax so I couldn't even represent myself, while telling me to my face they were not going to help me.

One of the middle aged women who approached me and targeted me while I was in the Safeway, was Suzanne Kirby. Her son, Bill Kirby, works at that Safeway and bad vibes all the time. I had thought Suzanne was nice enough and she was a neighbor for a short time, but then when she did this to me, I was absolutely shocked. She came up, asked how I liked my laptop or made some excuse for getting close to me, and then I felt a zap and hurt for awhile. I remember she kept her hand in her pocket which was a strange stance at the time so I noticed. Her son, Bill, is just one of those sadistic types who gets a kick out of seeing people suffer. He pretends to be a nice guy but does a lot of other things. Maybe not the most dangerous person in the world, but he has taken an interest in me whenever I'm at the Safeway and when I asked what his mother's name was, just a couple days ago, he looked guilty and worried. He should know why.

Another middle aged woman who did this to me, approached on actually, the very same day the other one did (like a few people were told to go in and make a point with me as I was blogging about this town), was formerly one of the drama teachers. She actually paid me a small amount to help clear roses one day, so I would have no reason to suspect her at ALL, so I was very shocked when she ended up being one to do this same thing to me, and it was another zap and her hand was also in her pocket while she did it, and she made some excuse to get close. I mean, people I would NEVER suspect and I have no idea WHY they would do this and I never thought I did anything to them personally. I'll look her name up and write it down. Her husband I can't imagine doing anything like that, but she did, for whatever reason.

This town is rife with individuals from all kinds of backgrounds, who play very dirty games, and truly, I am not exaggerating when I say this is just like that movie "The Cove". They don't let anyone in for a reason.

I'll have more of my list out later. Some things I won't go into, but a couple of things I think are appropriate, because someone from out of the whole area, who is good, needs to start helping.

It is one thing to play mind games, and push people out of work and housing and lie, which is bad enough, but there are a LOT of people who have access to black market or legal technology and they USE it.

It makes me really sad to even write this. I have a sad feeling doing so, but it's the truth. All of this needs to come to light, and people who are willing to torture my son, need to be apprehended. It is not being a "rat" to defend oneself and one's child. If you don't want publicity, you shouldn't be going out of your way to harm innocent people who have never done anything even close, to you.

The people I've written about are not even middle or top rank. They are basically ground level people who will just do what their told or take it upon themselves.

One time, it happened at Serve Wenatchee. I kid you not. I was sitting in a meeting with just 2-3 people total and this same thing happened. There was someone in the room behind me making coffee, but I just thought, "No, it can't be possible."

Believe me, in a town where police falsely arrest you, and throw you in jail to punish you, and illegally destroy evidence...

By the way, are there CAMERAS on the evidence rooms in this town?

I thought later, what would the motive be, for someone in Serve Wenatchee to do this? because they don't like something I wrote on my blog about them or someone they know, or the town in general? It's like no one wants anyone to talk about ANYTHING. I started talking about what assistance I might need and what things had happened in the town and how I was trying to get my son and then all of a sudden...one woman was sitting with her side to me and the other guy was facing me.

One time, this happened, where I was walking with this guy to a club and he'd been sitting out in the parking lot just watching. So I asked if he wanted to go with me and we walked and then he wanted to sit down and finish his energy drink. As I was sitting next to him, I started getting that feeling. There was no one else around us. I got up and moved, and sat in front of him instead of to the side, and it quit.

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