Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Copy Of Email To Public Defender #15

From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Mon 12/14/09 9:55 AM


The state cancelled my son's visit with me at the very last minute, with the monitor claiming last minute she was "sick". She's been spontaneously sick at the last minute 3x in 1 month.

The state has not even made an attempt to make up the visit with my son from before the last hearing and at the last hearing, your secretary said they got an order to refuse to make up subsequent visits which were missed.

This is a horrible thing to do to my son and I am appleaing to you one last time before getting outside help involved.

Not only is this a deprivation of my and my son's rights, it's obstruction of justice.

I need to see that you are helping me and my son.

I need some motions to be in place for the next hearing. I will need to review them before they are filed.

I scheduled a head exam at the WVC but I haven't heard one word back from you or the state about whether they followed through with this.

I also need to pick up a memo from you about the fact that yes, my son was taken from me while I was in Canada and I was forced to abandon my car, and that I made attempts to find the car but it's not possible and the books are lost.

I need to pick this up from you today as I told you I have a meeting this afternoon with the library director.

I will go ahead and draft an email or letter for you, in case you don't have time to do this on your own, and ask you if you will sign it.



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