Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Copy of Email to Public Defender #25

Drafting Motions‏
From: cam huegenot (cameocares@live.com)
Sent: Sat 12/19/09 4:33 PM
To: justint@wenatcheelaw.com

Hello Justin,

I thought maybe I could help draft some motions for you and then you could look them over and refine them. I figured you're busy and this will save you some time.

I am wondering too if you could put your communications to Ms. McIntosh in writing so I have something to file if necessary, showing what requests have been, and that she's received them...I believe you, but for documentation purposes this would be good.

I was also talking to my uncle. It seems they want to adopt my son and I think they have from the start, however, I told them my son wants to be with me and I want my son. He said there is a miscommunication with the state if they are saying he or Holly have said anything negative about me. He also told me they are more than willing to have visits set up at their house.

So, it's a yes, they are willing to have me visit him there and Pablo did say they want me to have my son. So this is a good step, and he said if the state says it's okay, they welcome this. I would be more than happy to take a bus so it doesn't inconvenience anyone.

Will you please ask the state for me? Also, I do want that holiday visit made up bc if it fell on a holiday and they don't do make-ups for holidays, they should have planned ahead and rescheduled for a different day so our right to at least 4 hours that week was respected.

I would like for you to tell me if you think they are even willing to increase my visits at all. My son asks for this and wants nothing more. I know my son better than anyone, even if it's hard to believe, and he wants to be with me. I would really like to have you on my side and have the state on my side and working for me and for them to understand what my son's best interests truly are. Please help us, okay?

I also would like to get in a motion for audio taping right away and I'll draft a declaration and even a motion for it and you can add whatever you like.

I really appreciate your help and I hope everyone can or will understand it's in everyone's best interests, to have my son reunited with me.

I have proven I don't have to blog and that I am polite when I'm not being harassed or scared or intimidated. I don't have any plans to do anything other than have my son and make a life for him and it's been impossible for me to get work and housing here and everyone knows it's not because I haven't tried.

There isn't any time, and I need another parenting evaluation as well as an independent psych eval. No one in my family or who knows me, thinks I need medication for anything but Michelle basically threatened me and told me she was going to have me medicated and they would get a court order, whether I liked it or not. Then, as you know, it's between my taking meds I don't need, which would be wrong, and not taking them and not being "cooperative".

Because this is so out of control and I have not seen any good faith, I have considered trying to make other ideas work or getting smoeone involved who could possibly investigate. I only say this bc it's very wrong what is happening and my son is suffering bc of it. I don't wish to pursue any other avenue than to just get things taken care of here, with mutual cooperation, but I cannot go along with these delays and most importantly, the refusal to increase visitation when my son clamors for it.

I am begging you Justin, begging you and those you know, to please advise and please help me and my son. I am trying the best I can, and all I want is my son. I cannot see how it profits anyone to withold my son from me and to continue lying and blocking my access to services. It's just morally wrong. I feel there are very few people who are really considering the morality, not even legality, but morality, of what is happening.

I am begging you to help me be able to give this town a very positive review and to do some good for others. If I am happy and my son is happy with me, there is only good that will come of this. Only good. I am very forgiving--you've no idea.

I would just like to get full custody of my son and the only way this will happen is if the state is willing to increase visitation. If they're not, then they are already trying to terminate, which is something they've moved toward, and I will need to find some other group out of the area to get help from. I don't have any other choice. I'm not going to give up on my son.

Justin, I don't believe you've met my son, nor have you seen him interacting with me in a visit.

My request to you, is that you are present for an upcoming visit with my son. I want you there, physically, to see for yourself what my son wants and how we are together. I want you there, and I am inviting you to please come to a visit in the next week or two.

They are scheduled M and W from 9:30 to 11:30. I also extend my invitation to Ms. McIntosh. I would love to have her there on another day, to see for herself. At the very least, you need to meet my son and see what I'm talking about.

Thank you so much,


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