Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Copy of Email to Parents

From: cam huegenot (cameocares@live.com)
Sent: Sun 12/20/09 10:00 AM
To: mom dad (dicksiedael@aol.com)

I basically know for sure that the Avila's want to adopt Oliver out from under me. I have known this for awhile but it was finally admitted.

Then, I was told if I tell them what to do about Oliver, they will make sure I never see him again.

I stated I wanted my son back and asked if they were okay with visitation at their house and Pablo said yes, if the state allowed it. However, it's been made clear to me that the Avila's and person in the state have been working together to keep Oliver from me.

So I want you to know I know, and I strongly disapprove, and I sent my lawyer a letter, asking one more time, for everyone to cooperate with increasing my visitation time and getting Oliver back to me.

If this doesn't happen, in very short timing, I am going to have to get other involved who are from out of the area to investigate what's been going on in this case.

Thinking of you and you're always in my prayers.



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