Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Copy of Email to Public Defender #26

Invitation To Visit My Son‏
From: cam huegenot (cameocares@live.com)
Sent: Sun 12/20/09 10:32 AM
To: justint@wenatcheelaw.com

Hello Justin,

I wanted to again extend an invitation to be present at a visit with my son and I within the next two weeks.

I am sure the department wouldn't mind and I would like to have you there to meet my son and see how we interact with oneanother.

You would be free to bring food and drink for yourself, and a book or computer, or whatever might make you most comfortable if you feel you should get bored at some parts or wish to appear more sideline for my son (should he seem shy, but I'm sure he'd be happy to meet you).

Tomorrow and Wednesday, visits will be 3 hours long. I would like to have the other missed visit, which fell on a holiday, made up as well since the department did not plan ahead when they knew a visit would fall on this kind of day.

The week following, would be another chance for you to see my son.

If you cannot do this in the next two weeks I hope you might let me know this week which day you could schedule in to be present.

Another thing I would like to make a motion for, is for preschool for my son. He is 3 1/2 years old and his educational and intellectual needs are not being met. I believe it's in his best interests to be in such a school and I have tried to talk to the Avilas about this and they don't want to take the time to find such a place for him.

I also got free swimming lessons for him and the Avilas don't want to take the time to get him there and back.

I would like to see visitation increased by the first of January and if this isn't forthcoming, I will proceed to ask about an investigation into the matters of this case. I hope to have a motion filed for audio recording by this time as well.



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