Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Demand To Attorney Returned Without Notice

Last Time: Motions?‏
From: cam huegenot (cameocares@live.com)
Sent: Tue 2/02/10 1:58 AM
To: justint@wenatcheelaw.com


This is the last time I ask you before I file a number of complaints against you, some civil and some criminal.

I have alerted you to child abuse of my son and how I am unable to properly document this. I asked you to draft a motion to allow:

1. audio recording,
2. an MRI of my son (he is now seeing things that are not there, such as colored spots on my face and he's been vomiting)
3. increased visitation

When you took this case, your firm agreed to allow me phone and fax use. I have been blocked from even representing myself.

You told me you were doing research for a motion for independent psych evaluation but you have nothing to show for it. As far as I know, nothing has been done. You promised to request an expedited hearing, before the April hearing, so I could get objective evidence of what is happening in these hearings and you have done nothing.

Do you, or do you NOT, have ANY motions prepared at ALL?

Let me know by the end of this week.

Thank you,

Cameo and Oliver Garrett

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