Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Public Defense Firm

These people have done nothing and they blocked me from even having access to resources to represent myself and then block my email.

This has been a joke. They took me on, just to say they did, and then they stalled and played along with the state and did NOTHING to protect my son. Nothing.

They didn't tell Michelle to address their issues with them directly, they didn't protect my son's right and my right to audio tape.

They did nothing. They got some lump some money for doing absolutely zilch. I don't believe they have even one thing to show for over 3 months.

They promised filing for an expedited hearing, for audio monitoring, for an MRI for my son, for my own access to their resources, and these are the people my SON and I relied upon for help. It was our only way to access the legal system as I couldn't even afford phone and fax, and they were supposed to help with that.

Instead, Nik tells me they're not going to help me at all, but they are going to hold onto my case and make it look like they're doing something. They didn't even manage to make it look like they did ANYTHING. They have done NOTHING.

I'm filing reports for complicity and negligence in the welfare of a child and I'm just getting those reports out to federal people outside of Washington. Of the state workers and what is going on too. I'm filing reports on all of these assholes.

They abused their authority by taking my case and sitting on it so no one else could do anything with it. Not even me. Not to mention, I haven't even mentioned some of the other things which were done to me, even in my first meeting there and yet I went along anyway (why?).

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