Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Corruption With Washington State Unemployment Offices

Today I got more runaround with some state workers. Not all of them. Surprisingly, there have been a very few who just did their job. But I got a lot of others, and thank God I got their ID and names.

There has been a "Diane" I got many, many, times, whose voice I even recognize, who kept screwing around with my claim and giving me false information. I didn't know how false until today, but today is the second or third time she's "accidentally disconnected" the phone. Diane L. Miller, out of Spokane. She wouldn't even tell me she was a supervisor for some reason, has always told me she's just an intake person. I found out she has never documented any conversations with me except for her or some other Diane in the very beginning of my claim, in August.

Diane gave me the same false BS she's always giving me and then said she was putting me on hold but I called with the other line because I already knew she'd disconnected me. She did.

Then I talked to a "Jill", and from the conversation today and in the past, from notes that I see in the computer, she has never been a problem. Then Jill connected me to an "adjudicator", who, I found out, was their lawyer. So, all of a sudden, since Friday, these offices decided to record the conversations and I'm talking to the office attorney.

I wonder why.

I found out today that I have been lied to, for 6 months, about my claim. Back and forth and lies, and then I also found out today, that my filed claims has gone from something like 20 filed claims (that I called in) to "5". I said, "How have my claims disappeared to five?" The last time I asked how many claims I filed, a month or more ago, it was 3/4 of the time but there was some problem with my calls not always getting logged or whatever. So I was told I had to ask for a "receipt". I found out all of this was BS. So then I'm asking who would have the power to delete records and was told today it would have to be a programmer or computer guy for the state, but who knows.

So I'm on the phone and at first I think this woman is professional and explains thiings clearly but then I realized, she doesn't want me to get in a word edgewise, at all. She wanted to say what she had to say in an excuse and then not let me talk and I realized it was because she didn't want it on the recording. Then I realized, she was a lawyer. After I asked her, straight out, "Is it ethical or not ethical, or with the rules or against the rules, to make a phone call to an employer in an "investigation" of wages?" She didn't want to answer and I had more questions and she said the call was over and hung up on me. ID 660, Barbara Maasch, out of Spokane.

Then, I called once more, and this woman comes on the phone. After getting my ID number and social security or whatever, she asked me if I was on speakerphone or if anyone else was listening to the call. I said no, and silly me, I should have thought it was strange of her to ask. She said, "This is Alla". So she basically told me the phone was cutting out and I said, "Really? Because it's not on my end." and then she said she was putting me on hold but she had me on hold forever where I could hear background noise, and then she actually picked up the phone and hung up. Alla Luchnik, ID 122, out of Seattle. I realized then why she'd asked if I had it on speakerphone or if someone else was listening in. At first I thought she seemed helpful, but it wasn't like she had the phone to her ear to see if the sound was improving. She had set the receiver down and then disconnected.

So then after wasting all this time I got someone to witness next.

Then I saw some of the notes in the computer. Not everyone was as good at trying to conceal what they were saying to me as Diane. But a lot of crap from one of them today but more with a 191, Belinda Moutray, who told me on Friday that she was a "Melinda" and she said this more than once. I don't think she wanted me to have a correct name when she was writing dirt about me.

What was the worst, was finding out, after talking to a lawyer who HAD to finally tell the truth because she was being recorded, that all these people had either lied to me, or just intentionally stalled and delayed on processing my claim in any way.

It was horribly discouraging but someone from Wenatchee actually did help. I mean, at least tried to get a few things together and help. The first person.

I really wonder who Diane is and what she has against me, because she really said a lot of false things and was rude and she took at least 6-8 of my calls or MORE, because I know her voice by now, and yet she never wanted to document it. I don't know why actually, unless she is connected to someone who doesn't like me.

There were maybe a couple (2 most maybe) men who acted a little weird, but in general, they seemed to be okay. I know nothing was being done by this one guy, on my interstate claim, for over 2 months.

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