Tuesday, February 2, 2010

New Footage Of Paul & Rachel Chandler

How weird. I just noticed the new news coverage with Paul and Rachel Chandler, didn't see it yesterday at all. I got very little out of trying to remote view, but I did see something "yellow and pink" and a "man in a white shirt" and there it is. It almost makes me wonder if I really saw that or if someone set it up like that to match. But why would anyone do that? to match what I say I saw? So I don't know.

I thought about trying to think of more tonight but I'm too distressed about what is happening with my son and all the corruption here. I have my own hostage situation here in Washington state, believe it or not.

But, I do care. I will try tomorrow.

I guess this was the day I realized I had a dream about assassination the night before someone in the world was assassinated, but maybe it was really about me, because believe me, that would make sense too, and then I see this about the Chandlers. What's even stranger is that I was thinking "pink and yellow" today and yesterday for a minute about them, wondering what it might be about.

After praying my general prayer for justice and vengeance (not from my own hand or doing but from God, preferrably natural things), I actually felt this cool depth of, I don't know, very different feeling. Totally different. Then I felt much better, and didn't pray, just praised God. Felt better after praising God. I then started to think about individual people. There are many I don't know who are involved, but I thought of people who have directly been handling this, to start. I felt blocked from praying specifically about individuals...not a bad block at all. Not like I couldn't get through, but like, "That's enough for tonight." Just peace. I guess I was asking more than anything, not telling. I asked God, "What are you going to do about HIM?" that kind of thing, or "Are you going to do anything?" or just thought about that person to see what came to mind if anything. I put one person in my mind tonight, won't say who, and couldn't get anything at all. Then, in a kind of flash insight, I saw him double over at the stomach. I don't know what from. I thought heart attack at first then I thought, no it's stomach, so it was maybe even just the flu. I felt it was future because how could I remote view something happen like that, that fast after praying? It was probably no one anyone would think of. But anyway, I didn't pray for that to happen, I just waited to see if anything came to mind about that person and this is what I got. I don't want to say who because then someone might try to make it come true, and I think this is in God's hands, all of it. If I find out about it, then I'll know it lined up somehow and it will help confirm for me but I'll also know no one tried to make it come about. But for this person, just the first one I thought of, I think it was a fleeting thing.

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