Sunday, February 14, 2010

Dream Last Night

I had a dream about someone royal last night but it wasn't glamorous at all. I don't know why I dreamed it because I haven't looked up any news except once about Elizabeth, in the last almost 3 weeks now. It's been 2 weeks going on 3 weeks. Oh, and I read the one about Andrew and Diana's letters because they came up on CNN.

At any rate, it didn't feel significant. I woke up in the middle of it, when something about "7" was coming up, something like 7 sixes or something, but I fell back asleep and it resumed. It was about charity work and I was treated no differently from anyone else. I was at a distance, like everyone.

It was just a jumbled dream. Oh, first I was at some party with royal persons and it was very strange the way it was laid out. Two different rooms and a private house party. In one room were the regular people and then in the other room the royals. But it was like the regular people were stage hands or something, some of them, and then it was a matter of going to curtain call--going back and forth between the rooms.

I went back and forth and the regular people were happy about it, but cautious and sitting back and it was sort of dark. It wasn't really clean either, it was like the back of a stage, literally. I think I brought one of the stage hand guys a drink or offered and he declined but was glad I offered.

I don't know how to describe it though, this dream was different from the other ones. I saw a lot of things to do with Elizabeth but I can't remember any of them now. I think I woke up and wanted to remember and write it down but I just fell back asleep.

Then, oh, I thought this one guy was William, but it wasn't, it was a different guy who was younger as well and tied to the family but I don't know who. So after I fell back asleep, the dream continued to where I was with a lot of people with various motives and everyone got into buses and vans and cars and we were driving to some place to do work and William was going to be there helping.

For some reason I had overnight bags packed, like it was a camp or we were staying there for a while but all my bags were mismatched and I didn't want to bring them all because they didn't "look right". We got to this building and I think it was some kind of construction work maybe. At one point, there was an unfinished wall separating one room from another and William was behind the wall and I ended up being on the other side, after working in separate locations. He was all by himself. No bodyguards, no other royals, just him like everyone else and a lot of people. I think he was wearing a shirt with sleeves rolled up and jeans or something. I remember him being more shy there, not his press-ready self but sort of guarded, but working. Pleasant with people and then I said hello and made a line of small talk and he didn't want to talk and was still reserved so I didn't push it, thinking maybe he was tired of everyone asking him the same questions all the time, and I moved to a different part of the room and continued to do what I was doing while he did what he was doing. There were others around who were doing the same thing. I really don't know what kind of work it was except that a wall was unfinished like between a kitchen and living room and he was in the room that was more like a kitchen to-be and I was in a large living space.

There was sort of a weird feeling to the dream. He was out on his own joining a group of people that were not his group, but to work. And he was shyer and more guarded than he is lately in press coverage or as I see him very comfortable with kids or maybe even homeless. I don't know, it was different. I was basically just another person, there, a stranger, but he would look over sometimes, watching, not in a romantic way, but watching.

Oh, I forgot. After I offered the stagehand type of guy, maybe bodyguard or something at the other place, a drink, he said no thanks but I took his plates and asked his friend if he was finished and he said yes and I took that plate too, even though I was with the other crowd, the waitress in me came out and I was trying to do something nice for them and then I was back with the others and we were leaving. I wasn't a royal or with anyone that I can remember, in the dream, I was just wearing a nice dress or pants (can't remember but suitable) and part of the crowd for some reason and it seemed natural except for this dividing room.

I can't remember even one thing about Elizabeth but there were a lot of things and then it led up to the something or other about 7 and sixes and I awoke, trying to figure it out.

I think before we all left to do the work, too, the vans and buses all went through a drive in and we ordered drive through fast food and took it with us. I have no idea where we were. At the same time, I was guarded about different people I was running into, not knowing what they wanted, before we left for the work. I didn't really know any of the people I was with and William didn't know anyone there and hadn't met me until then. He was more retreated into himself than in other dreams I've had.

I guess I might look up news later today after I get some things done, since I had this dream.

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