Friday, February 26, 2010


well, I feel slightly better, not that it matters, about earthquakes. I mean, not "better" but wonder if maybe I got something right. I didn't WANT China to have any earthquakes, but when earthquakes came to mind it occured maybe China was going to have one. I just found news that there was a 6.9 on Feb. 18, 2010 and then one yesterday I guess, a 5.0 something. Not that it matters. I think there have been others which are greater, around the world, but I haven't been following news as much with all the problems and technology issues around here and with my son. Literally, I've had every less than lethal weapons that is available, use on me and my son lately. I haven't written about it all yet and too tired now to do so, but will describe later.

Really, if I could wish an "earthquake" to happen somewhere, it would be right here, where there have been so many problems for me and my son. If any of the technology things are cming from elsewhere, I wish earthquakes would strike there. I just want my son to be safe and he's never done harm to anyone, and neither have i, for that matter. We are normal innocent people. I write, but that's it.

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