Thursday, February 25, 2010

People At Harvard Know Me?

I called Harvard to get info about Amy Bishop. I was surprised because it seemed they already knew who I was (not everyone). First I got this number and then it wasn't her fault but it went to a fax machine and then was constantly busy. Then I called again and joked around with this other guy when he said "tis the season" and I asked if he still ornaments up or what and he laughed and said no but a lot of people still had their lights up and just the other day he asked his friends or was asked if he had his up. He said he noticed a lot of people had blue lights up. He said "a sepcial kind of blue". He said he couldn't describe it but it was some special color of blue people were keeping up. I might be nuts, but turquoise came to mind. If so, it's my fault, for calling Harvard. lol.

They were all nice, at any rate. All of them.

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